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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QBwH because it turned out I didn't have incite which I could have sworn I put in. LB ambush-honeypot.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius but no pangram again! I needed help with that one yesterday.  I just couldn't see it.  Then when husband gave me enough hints to get it, I couldn't spell it.  He found today's, so hopefully I can get it without help at some point.  I also needed help on niece.  We got team QB, though.  Congrats on QBABY again, cathwen! And I wanted to also say I am super impressed about your QBABY the other day! Whew.  That takes persistence. 

I did get a 2fer yesterday despite forgetting about it! butanes-symphony.  I don't have one yet today but feel close.  Congrats on yours yesterday and today, cathwen! And on yours, ciao_yall! All different ones.

Langue_doc, that sounds like such a wonderful outing.  I'm so glad that the weather held up after so many weekends of rain outs and that your event went well!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangrams and above genius. Last word yesterday was banal.

Happy solving!



QBwH for libidinal. LB catchup-physiology.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with the pangrams.  Yesterday I got to QBABM! Last word was libidinal.

For LB I got catsup-physiology.  Congrats, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Congratulations on QBABY, ab_grp! I got there, too, with last word bindi. Today I am at QB-1 and totally stumped.

LB: I had catsup-philology. Found a quick 2fer today.

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL, wild guess at gawp, gawping. LB kiwi-incorporative.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we almost had team QB but needed help for dumb papaw.  Fooled again!

For LB I finally got provocation-network after having the first word or variations thereof (plus plenty of other reasonable contenders) all day.  Took forever to find that mate for some reason! Congrats on yours, ciao_yall!

Happy solving! (and Happy Halloween if you celebrate!)



Easy QB. Last words yesteday were wigwag, wigwagging, which I fortuitously remembered before agonizing over the missing points.


Good evening!

QB yesterday with papaw as my last word, found with 2L help. QB-3 today so far.

LB: I had the "official" provocation-network. No 2fer yet today, despite many good words.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangrams so far.  Yesterday I got to QBABM with iota as my final word.

I am so mad about LB! I had zombie and kept trying zombiefied.  Never tried it without that middle e.  Dangit!!!

Happy solving!



QBw2LL, last word atilt. After going in circles with 3fers, finally went for a hint to get zombified-drunk. Gah. Is that a word?

Anyway, happy solving!


Good afternoon!

It was a busy day yesterday, but finally got my last words with 2LL help: atilt, loyally, laity. QBABM today!

LB: No 2fer yesterday! I had modernized, feminized, and others I can't remember, but zombified never occurred to me (although I did see zombie). Today I found a 2fer fairly quickly.

Happy puzzling!



Two pangrams and above genius. Last word yesterday was lava.

My brain's been in a muddle ever since I got back from my short trip. On Monday I was convinced that it was Halloween, and was surprised to see no activity on the street or my doorbell. DST does not bode well this year.


Cathwen, congrats on your QBABY and 2fer!

I also managed to get a 2fer today, but I have 4 words left on the bee.

Langue_doc, sorry to hear about your calendar woes! I hope the time change goes more smoothly than you expect.  It is always an adjustment.