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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QBwH for oddball words - last one tempi. LB wormfishes-spad, foreword-dampish.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

A bit past genius with pangram (which took forever).  Yesterday I we almost made it to QB but needed help for patentee, despite my listening all day to a book about Theranos and the patent war.  And it took me rather a long time to get apnea even with watching several related videos during the day.  Hmm! I also don't think about pantie spelled that way.

For LB I finally got piriformis-shadower.  Congrats on your solutions!

Thanks for the article, Langue_doc! I used to use the most efficient word, but I have been using a random generator for a while now.  Sometimes it is actually very helpful if the target word is not made up of common letters.  But sometimes it is way off! I also started doing the hard version after being afraid of it for a while, and it hasn't been that much more difficult.  I'm more likely to forget to do Wordle for a day than to fail at it.

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

QBwH. I just was not firing on all cylinders yesterday and missed a number of words that should have been obvious. (Tenpin? Ninepin?) Others were timpani, pantie, inpatient, nametape, patentee,, and my last word, tiepin. Today I am at QB-3 with the pangram, which took me a while to find.

LB: Lots of solutions today! Like ciao_yall, I had foreword-dampish. No 2fer yet today.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Genius, but no pangram yet. Last word was concoct which got me to QB. I often find words by stringing letters together to see if they stick--sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. Did I mention that I was suprised at the non-acceptance of landau a few days ago?

ab_grp, that's a timely reminder for me to get back to the exercises prescribed by the PT, especially the piriformis one. I can just hear the therapist ask "Did you do your piriformis yet?" when they stop by to check on my progress. I have a whole bunch of exercises that I should be doing.

Happy solving!



QBwSBB for putout - is that even a word? LB mulie-extravagant. I thought I made up the first word but it turns out it is either a term for a male deer or a type of boat.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram, but I think I got there twice again today so am not sure if a word or words disappeared or if there was a change again.  Annoying either way! Yesterday we needed bee buddy for several words: cantata, concoct, putt, putout.  Congrats on QB, Langue_doc!

No luck on LB.  I was sure extravagant was the way so focused too much there.  Congrats on getting a mate for it, ciao_yall!

Langue_doc, I hope the exercises help! And I totally forgot about landau.  I think there's another today that used to be accepted that isn't now.

Happy solving!


QuoteGot to genius with pangram, but I think I got there twice again today so am not sure if a word or words disappeared or if there was a change again.  Annoying either way!

ab_grp, I got to QB with 51 words, so there were probably no changes today. I encounter similar snafus ocaasionally when I'm on different devices.

Incidentally did you all get the 12-page puzzle section in the weekend print edition?


Thanks for confirming, Langue_doc! I swear it makes me question my sanity (which I already do too often).  Congrats on QB again!!

We do not get the print paper out here in the sticks, but I am hopeful that the section will be a gift again this year.  My husband has an entry on his calendar to remind him to order it and apparently forgot that he shared his calendar with me.  ;-) ! Of course, he may have just decided to skip it this year.  I think we skipped it last year for obvious reasons.  His heart just wasn't in it.  Har har har.  Anyway, have you dug in yet?


Good morning!

Pangrams (3) and above genius. Don't remember last word other than that it was a run-of-the-mill word that I should have seen much earlier.

QuoteHis heart just wasn't in it.  Har har har.  Anyway, have you dug in yet?

I recall that he and his heart were in a hospital over Christmas. Hope he made a complete recovery. As for the puzzles, I took one look at the section, and decided that it was too overwhelming even to attempt it unless I had a large chunk of time. There's an entire crossword spread across pages 6-7! There are a couple of $1000 prizes, according to the blurb on the first page of this section.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Past genius with the pangrams.  Yesterday we almost had team QB but needed bee buddy for afar.

For LB I got the schmofficial frolic-chutzpah.  And I got one on my first try today!

Langue_doc, yes, sorry for the dumb joke.  He had the bypass surgery last December.  He's doing great, thanks! Still working really hard at exercise and eating well.  I always think the big crossword will be fun, but it does seem like a lot to accomplish (even if it's easy, just takes a long time).  I might be interested in prizes! I guess it depends if/when it arrives here.

Happy solving!



QBw2LL, last word afoul. LB prolific-chutzpa(h).

Happy solving!

Re: Big puzzle edition, I am still working through Split Decisions.


Good afternoon!

QBw1LH, last word moola. Today I am at genius with all three pangrams.

LB: I also had prolific-chutzpa(h).

This is the first I've heard of a big NYT puzzle edition! I will definitely have to check this out. Especially if it has Split Decisions—one of my favorite word games.

Ab_grp, I'm glad your husband is doing so well after the surgery last December.

We're leaving for California tomorrow to visit Youngest Daughter, who usually comes here at Christmas. This year, it's our turn to travel. I dislike traveling at Christmas, but I'm looking forward to spending time with her. Ironically, it's supposed to rain in SoCal, but be nice and sunny here. Argh! We'll pack umbrellas. I'm sure that it will be a great trip nevertheless.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

QB--no convoluted words today. Yesterday I had to resort to BB for cellblock, and as usual, had to look up the spelling for allele.


cathwen, happy travels! I recall that SoCal had rains and flooding last year as well, probably this time of the year. Puzzle Mania was in the weekend print edition of the paper.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Just got to QB today. Yesterday I needed a nudge to find kebab.

LB: distractions-sourgum. No 2fer yet today!

Langue_doc, I found that I can send for the puzzle section, which I will certainly do. I'm kind of resigned to the rain in SoCal. Just a little concerned, because Youngest Daughter will be doing the driving. But she's from the Northeast—she can deal with rain. Flooding is another matter, though. Fingers crossed!

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

I just looked and am apparently at QB-1 with pangram, so we'll see.  Congrats on your QBABYs, Langue_doc and cathwen! Yesterday I just could not get the last word, and husband didn't have it either, so bee buddy had to help us with allocable.  So close.

For LB I had grandmas-suction.  Congrats on your solutions!

Have a good trip and visit, cathwen! I feel like it's raining or flooding pretty much everywhere right now.  It's even rainy here, which is almost never is!

We have our youngest with us for another couple days.  I'm not really feeling Christmas this year, which kind of sucks because we missed it last year for the most part, but I think with bad things happening each year for the past few I just lost my excitement for it.  Maybe it will come back.  I think we are going to try to decorate the tree tomorrow since husband will be out for the year after this afternoon.

Happy solving!