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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QB yesterday. Two pangrams and well above genius so far, but that's it for today.

Woohoo, ab_grp, sounds like an appropriate collection of presents.

Happy solving!


Good afternoon/evening!

QB yesterday with last word penne. Two words to go today.

LB:I also had bondsman-nightgown. Congratulations on finding something different, ab_grp! And what cool presents.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Above genius, but no pangram, alas!

Resorted to BB to get to QB yesterday.

Happy solving!



QBwSBB, last word login. LB gecko-overzealous.

Happy Boxing Day to those who celebrate!


Good morning!

It took me forever to get the pangram, but I did and got to genius.  Yesterday we had team QB.  I think I needed help with oolong.  So close!

No luck on LB yesterday (congrats, ciao_yall!), but I did get a 2fer on my first try today!

Happy solving!


Good afternoon/evening!

QB yesterday with a nudge to find gigolo and oiling, my last word. Today I am at genius with the pangram.

LB: I also had gecko-overzealous. Congratulations, ab_grp, on finding a 2fer right away today! I am still struggling.

Home tomorrow! It's been a good trip, but I'll be glad to get home.

Happy puzzling!



QBwH for panettone. LB got a hint for palindromic-couch after a bunch of tight 3fers and 2fer b4ss.

GwP but missing a bunch of short words. And again, lots of 3fers and 2fer b4ss. Argh.

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

Got to QBABM today! Yesterday I almost had it but needed bee buddy for panettone because I kept trying pannetone all day.  Dangit! I should have looked it up, but we still had our house guest so things were busy.

Got the schmofficial holdup-panoramic yesterday.  Today I feel close but haven't gotten the 2fer yet.  Fingers crossed!

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

QB yesterday with help for tonne, teapot, and panettone, my last word. Today I have three words to go.

LB: No luck yesterday, and none so far today. Congratulations on everyone else's 2fers!

Happy puzzling!



Pangram and above genius. I think I had to resort to BB last night to get to QB. Things are rather a blur with the traveling and feasting.

It's good to be home.

Happy solving!


I'm glad everyone who traveled had good visits and is home safely!



QBwSBB and a wild guess captcha. LB got a hint for cardiac-compatible. So far today, several 3fers, 2fer b4ss, and ships.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday I got to QBABM and last word was captcha, which I don't think of as a word but am glad I tried.

So close on LB but no cigar.  I didn't think of either of the words in your solution, ciao_yall!

Got follow-up blood work re: red blood cells (no change).  It didn't say fasting but I figured I'd better do so in case.  I swear I can go all morning without food or coffee, but as soon as I'm not allowed to have it, I feel completely dumb and starving.  I tried to ask for coffee at the shop after, and my husband screwed me up by asking the lady to put his in his travel mug.  I still had coffee in my travel mug and just wanted her to put it in a to-go cup as one would usually get.  I tried asking for normal coffee and wasn't getting my point across so came up with something dumb like "Can I have coffee in a cup that comes from you?" (pointing to her). ?! Poor lady.  I couldn't figure out how to describe it! Does anyone else's brain just not happen in these situations?

Happy solving! 


Good afternoon!

QB yesterday with help to find my final two words, captcha and mahatma. Geniuswith pangram today so far.

LB: No solution yesterday, and none yet today. I think I'm in an LB rut.

Home this morning at 1am. It's so good to be home, even though we had a great time with Youngest Daughter. Now for laundry, grocery shopping, etc.

Ab_grp, I can relate to not being able to think of the proper expression for something common!

Happy puzzling!



Pangram and above genius. Haven't the foggiest idea about my progress on yesterday's bee. I know that I got to above genius, but don't have the energy to see if I made it to QB or the list of missing words. Long ago, I took care of a little boy who would ask a question and then say "Who knows, who cares" with a toss of his head. I've often thought that to be a good philosopy, so that's my attitude to the puzzles (and other stressors) some days.

QuoteI'm glad everyone who traveled had good visits and is home safely!

Thanks, ab_grp! Groceries have been bought, and a load of laundry done. Now all I need to do is to lose some (ha! my pants are really very tight) weight.

I'm assuming that the blood work showed no problems, correct?

cathwen, I waved to you yesterday while driving down the usual route that has multiple aliases, not realizing that you were still in sunny California!