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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

QBABM yesterday with lech as last word. Today I'm beyond genius with the pangram, but have a little way to go. Like Langue_doc, I keep seeing words with c.

LB: I struggled with this, and finally just before going to bed came up with overkings-swab. Why I didn't think of overbaking is beyond me. Apparently an overking rules over other kings. Huh. No 2fer yet today.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius so far; it's a tough one today. Missed the three scientific words in yesterday's bee.

Happy solving!



QBwATHICG for papilloma. LB got a hint for culprits-sunward. Was super annoyed I couldn't get inwards-sculpt to work.

Anyway, happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we had team QB, thankfully, since we both got too busy and ended up with several words left to find. 

No luck on LB again!

Doctor appt regarding blood work this morning.  Hoorah.  TGIF!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH yesterday for papilloma, palapa, lipoma,and taillamp, my last word. Today has been a struggle. I'm at genius, but no pangram yet.

And no luck on LB yesterday, and no luck so far today. I'm beginning to think that my brain cells are shriveling.

Ab_grp, I hope the appointment goes well!

Happy puzzling!


Cathwen, thanks! The appointment went fine, and he said it's not life or death, so no more tests at the moment.  And I got to stop by and see my husband at work briefly after and go for a walk on campus together! And I am totally with you about feeling like brain cells are shriveling given progress on some of these puzzles lately.  I'm sure it's not us!


Good morning!

QB--the puzzle only looks difficult; last words were lolled and oldie.

ab_grp, glad to hear that you don't need any more tests for now, and also that you got to take a break with husband.

No, brain cells aren't shrivelling, it's just that some of the recent LB solutions seem rather contrived and are designed to trap the unwary instead of stimulating the brain cells.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I got lots of help to make QB yesterday to find deked, dollied, iodide, likelihood, and my last word, keloid. Brain cells were on vacation! Today I am past genius with the pangram.

LB: No solution yesterday, but I found one today.

That's good news, ab_grp, and how lovely to have that nice walk on campus with your husband.

Langue_doc, I think you're right about LB.

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL, last word keloid which came to me just as I was getting ready to look at SBB. LB infantalize-exurban.

Yeah, Langue-doc, I hear you about LB. Those darn compound words get me every time.

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

I think I'm at QB-4.  Got the pangram right away thanks to luck.  Congrats, Langue_doc! And thanks for the intel.  Yesterday was busy, and we each had several words left again.  I think we needed bee buddy for keloid and one other that I can't figure out from the list right now.

No luck on LB yet again.  I had exurbanite, which left very few letters, but I couldn't get anywhere with it.  Congrats, ciao_yall!

And thanks, Langue_doc and cathwen! It is a relief not to be told something is worrisome and requires further testing.  I am happy to be able to focus on other things now.

Langue_doc, I like your perspective.  We are not the problem.  The puzzles are!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram and genius. It's a tough one today. Last words were tropic and tricot.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB yesterday with help for citric and croci, both of which were in recent puzzles and which I also missed. Argh! Today I am at genius with the pangram, but I agree with Langue_doc, it's tough.

LB: I had the "official" disturb-blackjack. I found one today also.

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL, last word troop. LB found blackjack but needed a hint to find disturb-blackjack. So far a few 3fers.

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

A bit past genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday I got to QBABM! I think my final word was boric.

No luck on LB again.  I also got blackjack but couldn't figure out anything starting with a k and figured nothing ends with a b (ugh), so I gave up.  Congrats on getting the solution!

Hope those of you in snowy or snowy-rainy weather stay dry and warm!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Four pangrams and QB. I was tempted to look at BB, but realized that I needed just 16-17 points, so found the missing words.

Missed helical, heliacal in yesterday's bee.

Couldn't find a mate for dovetail, so didn't pursue LB.

Happy solving!