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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

QB. Last word yesterday was frailly.

cathwen, hope you aren't under several feet of snow.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangrams so far.  Yesterday we have team QB.  I was missing filially, friary.

No luck on LB.  Maybe today!

I hope the northeasterners stay warm and dry and don't have to shovel!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB, but needed 1LH to find the last word, affray. Today I am at genius with both pangrams and still a few words to go.

LB: I had the "official" prizing-grotesque. I have a 2fer today also.

Snow report: We now have easily 6", and it's still coming down steadily. We're supposed to get about 10" by the time it's over. Most events, schools, etc. have been cancelled. Yesterday even my doctor's office called to pro-actively cancel my appointment today! It's a heavy, wet snow, which will give my husband the chance to try out his new toy, a power snow shovel (which I think was a very silly purchase, but when he gets an idea into his head, there's no reasoning with him.) I'm sure he'll feel vindicated after all my scoffing.

Langue_doc, I believe that New York is also getting a lot of snow?

Happy puzzling!


cathwen, we did get some snow, but nothing compared to the blizzards we used to get. I remember having to pay someone to dig the car out after snowstorms. Subsequently, the neighbor's kids got old enough to do the clearing/shoveling. Now the sun's out and the snow on the car is melting, so I won't have to do anything except brush off the remains if there's any left tomorrow. Everything's closed today--the public libraries, colleges, schools, even the Botanic Garden. The MET's open for those willing to risk the subway snafus. There was at least one year when there were huge piles of snow all the way from the end of December through the end of January, followed by another blizzard, and then a third one. I don't think we had any snow last year, so this is an event, sort of!

Hope the new toy stood up to the task.


We ended up with about 6-8", as far as I can tell. My husband did have fun with his power snow shovel, which is kind of like a mini-snow blower, but not very loud. And it was just the thing for shoveling heavy, wet snow. I am no longer rolling my eyes.

Langue_doc, we always used to get lots of snow here, but the last several years have not brought much. So today's snow is, as you say, kind of an event.



QBwH, last word bacilli. LB judo-overwatched.

Ah, snow. I grew up in CA and even though we went skiing as a kid, the snow was already there. So I was a young adult before first seeing new fallen snow. Couldn't get over it. My East Coast colleagues thought I was nuts.

Anyway, happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram, and just a few more words left. Last word yesterday was celeb.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we had team QB.  I think I was missing bicep, peaceable.

I also had judo-overwatch.  I think we had that one before? Several recent ones have sounded familiar, in fact.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH, last word bailee. Genius with pangram today, several words to go.

LB: I also had judo-overwatch. I found a 2fer today also.

Happy puzzling!


Good moring!

QB. Missed nonliving (is that a word?), ogive, vlog, vlogging.

Happy solving!



QBw2LL, wild guess at ogive, nonliving. LB boxcars-schmutz.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwSBBH to find inveigle/inveigling, vlog/vlogging. Today I'm at genius with the pangram.

Langue_doc, I think it's odd which words SB accepts/rejects (mostly rejects) with the non- prefix. I also thought that nonliving was a little strange.

LB: I also had boxcars-schmutz.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Again some words are not accepted.  Yesterday we needed bee buddy for vegging, vigil, vlogging.  I feel dumb about the last one considering that I got vlog (which was a guess).  Nonliving is not a great word.

Got boxcars-shmutz and again think that it sounds very familiar! I went back through my current notepad but didn't see that one.  I found one with yakuza but with a different mate word.  I might have finally thrown out my old notebooks, unfortunately.  Anyway, interesting!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius. Last words were ionic, icon, iconic.

Happy solving!



QBwH for unmount. LB nudge for worthful-laudation which I thought I made up.

Happy solving!