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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

A real slog yesterday; QBwH for dedicatee, eidetic, and my last word, titmice (which I should have seen). Today I'm past genius with the pangram, only a few words to go.

LB: I also had overpowered-defying. Lots of good words today, but I can't make them fit together.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we had team QB, thankfully.  Whew.  I needed help with deice(d), titmice.  Not bad, considering!

No luck on LB yet again.

And another call today, so who knows about timing.

Happy solving!



QBwG, last word lollop. LB had 3fers coming out of my ears, finally went to hints to get futurism-monkey. So far, a 3fer today.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH to find last words lollop and polio. Today I'm at genius with one of the pangrams, and many words to go.

LB: I had the "official" futurism-monkey. No luck so far today.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Finally got to genius but only one pangram so far.  Yesterday we had team QB.  Well, husband had QBABH, and I needed help with elope, peephole, piehole.

I also had the schmofficial futurism-monkey.  I got the latter early on and was thrilled to finally find a mate for it.

Happy solving!



QB. QB yesterday, with loophole completing the list.

Went birding, and saw more than 50 eastern phoebees on several trees along two ponds.

Happy solving!



QBwH for arancini, unitarian. Finally taking arancini which I used to complain about - now let's see if tartaric, tauric make the cut. LB after 3fers galore, nudge for bureau-unflinching.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangrams so far.  Yesterday we needed help with aura, uric.  Yes, I think they accepted arancini last time it was in the puzzle, and I was excited to see that! I also complained about it.  We actually saw it in one of our shows last night.  Probably Succession.

For LB I had unflinching-garble.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH for arancini, taciturn, and rani, my last word. Genius with both pangrams today.

LB: No luck yesterday! Congratulations to those who got it. No 2fer yet today.

Langue_doc, that sounds like a great birding expedition! We went on our favorite trail last week and were happy to see that the wood ducks are back.

Our HOA does not allow bird feeders for fear that they might attract "vermin." Rebellious soul that I am, I have put up a thistle feeder on a low-hanging branch inside our patio. I may put up a suet feeder as well. I think it's a ridiculous rule. So, until some busybody notices (and they can't, unless they enter our patio), I am enjoying goldfinches, chickadees, and house finches, all regular visitors.

For those in the eclipse zone—I guess that's just Langue_doc?—happy eclipse day!

And happy puzzling!


Good moring!

Two pangrams and genius, but that's it for today--I refuse to participate in these games where one is supposed to have oodles of spare time to complete the bee!

Last word was arancini, which I remembered just in time to get to QB.


cathwen, that's an excellent solution for the unscientific HOA rules. We did see some wood ducks yesterday, as well as an egret flying back and forth across one of the ponds. Not in the eclipse path, fortunately--fortunately, because of the nightmare traffic predicted in the eclipse path--but will still get to see the partial eclipse this afternoon.

Happy solving!


Yes, partial eclipse for us also. 92%. Good enough. Hoping that it doesn't cloud over!



QBwH, last word rapini. LB got a nudge and spelling help for ichthyosaur-rez.

Eclipse - kind of hazy light outside but it passed earlier in the morning where I spent at the brake repair place trying to explain that I shouldn't have to use all my muscles to yank the parking brake into position.

Oh well.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

On my way to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we needed bee buddy help with kippa.  I wonder when we'll ever remember that one.

No luck on LB.  Yikes, that was a difficult schmofficial solution! I never would have seen it.

Second round job call today, so hopefully I will have time to relax and puzzle later.

Oh yeah, I did go out to see the eclipse a couple times yesterday as it neared its max.  It was nice and clear here, and the eclipse was quite visible but of course just partial (still covered most of it, but it wasn't dark out or anything).  I almost forgot about it until I noticed the living room was dimmer than usual despite the sunny day.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwSBB—needed SBB hints for paprika (argh!) and riparian, my last word, which I would never have come up with myself. Today I'm at genius with the pangram, two words to go.

LB: Another day with no solution. Congratulations, ciao_yall! I would never have come up with ichthyosaur, even with a hint. No solution yet today, but hope springs eternal.

We sat on the patio in our Adirondack chairs yesterday enjoying gingerbread and whipped cream (I mean, why not?) watching the sun slowly disappear. Clouds rolled in for the maximum 92%, but rolled out again and we were able to watch the sun slowly return. Very cool.

Ciao_yall, I hope that the brake repair place took you seriously and did not give you the "little lady" treatment. And I hope that your parking brake is now easy to pull into place.

Happy puzzling!

ETA: Ab_grp, good luck with the job call!


Late afternoon/evening!

Genius--probably past genius. Missed only one word, paprika, but the bee tells me that I had a stroke of genius yesterday.

As for LB, some of the puzzles are like the tests and exams assigned by sadistic professors of yore. They are punitive rather than challenging.

More on the eclipse tomorrow--long day, had a medical appointment for which I had to take two subways.

Happy solving!