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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

About 3 points from genius with pangram at the moment.  Yesterday got to QBABM again, final word hind.

For LB I had unretractable-echidna. Lots of variety!

Cathwen, your trip sounds great, but I can understand getting tired from all the moving about.  We had an awesome Baltic cruise years ago that went to about 8 countries, and it was exciting but also exhausting! We began/ended in Amsterdam but didn't spend that much time there.  My brother got interest from the K9 unit at an airport thanks to trying to bring a wheel of cheese home from there.  Safe travels!

Happy solving!


Good evening/afternoon!

QB yesterday, last word inhaled, which I thought I had already found. QBwH today.

LB: drench-habitual.

Home tomorrow! Ab_grp, I hope the gingerbread I bought in Germany doesn't attract any "interest" from large canines with long, sharp teeth!

We had an 8-hour tour today that included the Rijksmuseum, lunch, a boat ride on the canals, and a visit to the Van Loon museum. Only two other people were in our group, and we all hit it off very well. Our guide was outstanding! Even though I am not sold on Amsterdam, this turned out to be one of my favorite days.

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL to realize I had overlooked larva(l). LB quays-strongbox.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Almost QB. Didn't get back to the bee after posting here yesterday.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we decided to just take the team QB.  I needed ovular.

No luck on LB, though I did have quays and box.  Darn it! Congrats, ciao_yall!

Cathwen, I hope that you and your gingerbread make it back safely.  Are you flying out of Schiphol? I think our Amsterdam origin might have been more of a trigger combined with the K9s smelling something unusual.  ;-)

Happy solving!



QBwG, last word crock. LB futurism-crock.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH for callow and craw, my last word. Today I'm beyond genius with the pangram, only two words to go.

LB: No luck yesterday, despite a long airport layover.

We're home now. It was a fun trip, but I'm glad we're back. Now for the mounds of laundry...

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got to QBABM! I can't believe it.  I had such a hard time getting to genius.  Yesterday I got to QBABM also, final word callaloo.

For LB I had filmic-cauterizes.  First word was a guess, but it worked.  I have another 2fer today!

Welcome home, cathwen! Good luck getting settled.

Happy 4th and happy solving!



Pangram and above genius. QB yesterday, last words cloak, rock.

filmic/cauterize (found the latter right away, and then had to play around with the letters to come up with the first word), merciful/laziest

Happy solving!


I'm rereading Infinite Jest at the moment and just came across the word filmic! That prompted me to do a search in my Kindle version (I'm reading on paper but originally read it in Kindle and also have it on audio to go through with me this time).  This is the first of several occurrences of the word, so maybe I recalled it from the previous reading.



QBwH for jillion. LB terabytes-scrumple which I thought I made up.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwSBB for joggling. Today I'm at genius with both pangrams, but struggling.

LB: I had tables-scrumpy. The last word is apparently a kind of cider.

I came home with a cold and a cough, ran a covid test...and it was positive. Ugh! I'm not feeling too sick, though—mainly tired. And by some miracle, my husband tested negative (but will retest today or tomorrow). He seems fine, fortunately. I did manage to do all the zillions of loads of laundry, though, so at least we have clean clothes.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Not quite to genius yet and only one pangram.  Yesterday I got to QBABM with some final word I don't recall, but maybe joggling.

For LB I had recyclables-stump.  Variety! I never would have thought scrumpy was a cider.  But I do have another 2fer today!

Cathwen, I'm so sorry to hear that you are ill! Ugh, what a way to come back from your vacation.  I hope your symptoms stay minor and that your husband is able to avoid it.  I guess it's good that you shouldn't have to do laundry for a bit! Feel better.

Happy solving!



Pangram and above genius. Didn't get back to the bee yesterday, so missed joggling and jollily.

Sorry to hear that you have Covid, cathwen. Good thing that it waited until after your return to attack. Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery!

Happy solving!



QBwH, last word pupate. LB rewrap-plotzing.

cathwen where does one get a COVID test these days? I don't think I've seen them at the pharmacy?

Get well soon, and happy solving!