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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Somewhere just past genius with pangrams.  Yesterday we had team QB.  I needed hematite as well, and I think one or two others.

For LB I had phoning-grackle.  Congrats on two, ciao_yall!

Another thing I forgot to mention about being back in school: they send out a lot of emails! I don't know if it's the case at your schools, but I do not remember this much communication or this many programs, fun events, workshops, internship opportunities, and so forth.  It seems like students have much more support these days?

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH for a bunch of words (tired and lazy), last word hamachi. Today I'm past genius with both pangrams, only a couple of words to go.

LB: I also had phoning-grackle.

You sound happy with your work and studies, ab_grp!

Happy puzzling!



Pangrams and above genius. Missed a couple of words yesterday.


Yes, ab_grp, it's called customer service with a vengeance. I'm not sure if most students bother to read their emails though.

Happy solving!



QBwH for indigo, dugong. LB nudge for fjords-spinach.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBw2LL for donor (!!). Genius with pangram today.

LB: No solution! I had a lot of good words, but no combos. I did not even see fjords or spinach.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Somewhere past genius with pangram today.  Yesterday we had team QB.  I think I needed dino, dodging, rigor.

No luck on LB again.  Congrats on your solutions!

Langue_doc, you are probably right that students may not read their emails! I also think that the deluge of emails doesn't help with that.  The senders just seem uncoordinated, like all these different groups are offering opportunities or sending reminders, and it gets to be a bit much.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess.  At least they are trying.  I know that youngest barely ever even checked email to begin with before going to college, as that generation just doesn't seem to communicate that way.  I hope that has changed!

Happy solving!



Just realized that I hadn't posted my bee update today--in addition to the usual Friday schedule, I had to get my 25lb sack of Jasmine rice from one of the grocery stores that has a parking lot.

QB; QB yesterday.

ab_grp, too many emails tend to be counterproductive. I think its just the admins trying to prove that they're doing their jobs.

Happy solving, and good night!



QBw2LL last word phono. LB nudge for aqueduct-typonym.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I think I have 3 words left today.  Yesterday I got to QBABM with phono, penne as my final words.

No luck on LB again.  Congrats, ciao_yall!

Langue_doc, I think you are right about the admins wanting to have tangible things to show for their work.  I hope you enjoy your rice! How long does it take you to go through a bag that size?

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

QB yesterday with hyphen, payee, and poppa as last words. QB today.

LB: No solution yesterday again! Argh!

Happy puzzling!



QB yesterday and today.

ab_grp, the rice will probably last me through Spring. It's such a relief not to have to worry about lugging a large sack of rice in winter, especially when there's snow on the ground. The Asian store not too far away used to carry 10 lb sacks of the rice--Elephant brand--but now carry only 25 lb sacks, so I had to drive to the store with the parking lot which also carries only 25 lb sacks of this brand.

Happy solving!



QBwH for focaccia. Nudge for knifes-silverpoint which I thought I made up.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBABM yesterday, last word aloofly. Genius with both pangrams today, only a few words to go, but I just don't see them.

LB: fevers-slipknot.

Happy puzzling!


Good day!

Somewhere past genius with pangrams so far today.  Yesterday got to QBABM with layoff, loll as my final two.

No luck on LB again.  Congrats!

Langue_doc, enjoy the rice! It's nice to have a good supply for quite a while (and not to have to haul a big bag again any time soon), and jasmine is so yummy and versatile.

Happy solving!



Just realized that I haven't gotten back to the bee or posted here since getting to genius with the two pangrams before leaving for a bird walk this morning. QB yesterday.

Had a bunch of phone calls, catching up and planning trips, so it was a day well spent.

Happy solving!