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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Pangram and genius. Last word was nonce.

hayloft/thrives, haylofts/strive, frivolities/sashay (my favorite), frivolities/shay

Happy solving!



QBABM - last word codeine. LB needed a nudge for frovolity-yeahs but agree [biLangue-doc[/b] sashay is a better word.

Happy solving!
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Good morning!

Getting there today but have an appointment to get to.  Hopefully can puzzle in the waiting room! Yesterday I got to QBABM with final word ecocide.

No luck on LB.  Congrats! Langue_doc, you got a bunch! I was hoping trivialities would lead somewhere.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH for last word, ecocide. Genius with pangram today.

LB: I had sheaf-frivolity, but it's Langue_doc for the win with frivolities-sashay!

Happy puzzling!



QB which could have been ABM but I overlooked tiara, tannin. Just one of those days all around.

LB dawned-dropcloth.

Happy solving!
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Good afternoon!

QBwH yesterday for last word, arrant. Genius with pangram today.

LB: I had powered-decathlon.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Two more words to go today.  Yesterday I got to QBABM with final word ribbit.

No luck on LB yesterday, but I got a 2fer quickly today.  Congrats on your solutions!

Happy solving!



Pangram and above genius. Last words were natant, tannin, both being words that escape me until almost the bitter end.

Wordle--hit the jackpot with my second word--woohoo!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram (first word) and genius, not sure if I'm going to find any more words today.

Didn't get back to the bee yesterday so missed galop!? and mammology.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Like Langue_doc, pangram and genius; pangram was my first word. Five more words to go, but stuck. Yesterday I got tired and got hints for galop, laggy, lallygag, lollygag, magma, and mammology.

LB: joysticks-schmutz.

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL, last word gloop. LB joysticks-schmutz.

Happy solving!
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Good morning!

I have two words left again.  Yesterday we had team QB, but I needed mammalogy, gayly.

I also had the schmofficial joysticks-schmutz after getting the second word first.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Above genius, but no pangram. Last word was ratatat.

Found enjoyment, but then got stuck.

Happy solving!



QB with accidental hint for ragtag. LB after finding lots of 3fers got a nudge for enjoyment-textspeak.

Happy solving!
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Good morning!

Sounds like I'm in much the same boat as Langue_doc.  Above genius, no pangram.  Yesterday QBABM with final word frug.

Also got enjoyment(s) and no further!

Happy solving!