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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Congrats on QB, Langue_doc!

Cathwen, if you just have Ls left, then you already got the one I didn't know was a word, since it starts with a different letter.  Yep, the Ls have all been in there before.  If you use Shunn's two-letter frequency, you can definitely spot a couple of them based on their first two letters.   Assuming you got those, I have a guess at ones you might be missing and can give you a hint if you would like.  They are not necessarily easy words, but they have been in the puzzle several times and not too long ago, as Langue_doc noted.  Good luck!!

I am thinking that a bunch of the FB group folks are just newer to the puzzle, because there tends to be complaints about the same unaccepted words over and over, and a number of folks seem not to have heard of words that have been in the puzzle many, many, many times.  I guess with that many members, there's bound to be a good bit of variation.  It's got some good info now and again, but I definitely prefer this group's company!

Still no luck on LB yet, but the seminar I was in was too good to be distracted from (which is definitely a good thing).  I have a couple more contenders, though.


Quote from: ab_grp on May 13, 2021, 02:47:15 PM
Congrats on QB, Langue_doc!

Cathwen, if you just have Ls left, then you already got the one I didn't know was a word, since it starts with a different letter.  Yep, the Ls have all been in there before.  If you use Shunn's two-letter frequency, you can definitely spot a couple of them based on their first two letters.   Assuming you got those, I have a guess at ones you might be missing and can give you a hint if you would like.  They are not necessarily easy words, but they have been in the puzzle several times and not too long ago, as Langue_doc noted.  Good luck!!

I am thinking that a bunch of the FB group folks are just newer to the puzzle, because there tends to be complaints about the same unaccepted words over and over, and a number of folks seem not to have heard of words that have been in the puzzle many, many, many times.  I guess with that many members, there's bound to be a good bit of variation.  It's got some good info now and again, but I definitely prefer this group's company!

Still no luck on LB yet, but the seminar I was in was too good to be distracted from (which is definitely a good thing).  I have a couple more contenders, though.

SB - hit the shunn site. Found two with aided recall through the first two letters. Still missing two LA and two MA words.  We'll see if they are new words for me or brain farts.

Yeah I've had a good run of 3fers and 2fer b4ss solutions, so it will either come soon or be a real head-smacker.
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Okay, threw it in.

SB - 2 new words, 2 I can't guess even with hints from the bee.

LB - solver site - doable, but I didn't have either word even in a 3fer.
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


I got nothing in this jawn despite numerous good contenders and am looking forward to learning what solutions there are!


Pangram short of genius today, and I'm done for the night.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

chyme got me to genius yesterday. I don't know why I typed the word, other than orneriness and also thinking of chime, but it worked. This was the only new word in the puzzle. I knew to look for lamella and lamellae as these were in a recent puzzle. I missed these words on a much earlier puzzle remembered to try them a few days (or weeks) ago.

Got to genius, but no pangram.

Happy solving, all!



SB - New words: chyme, lamella, lamellae. Missed mayhem /headsmack.

LB - Help from the online solver and got anguish-honeydew. Found words that were close yang, guise, hoedown, howdy and several 2fer b4ss sideways-shogun and guideways-snowshoe.

Just getting started this morning so happy solving!
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Good morning! 

I threw in the towel last night and checked SB answers.  I missed lamella, lamellae, and lemma, even with help from the Shunn site (I knew I needed two LA words and one LE word).  Now I remember having seen them before, so I hope I don't miss them again!  I don't know why I got chyme.  Just random combos out of desperation, I suppose.

Today I am at genius with the pangram.

As for LB, I got the "official" solution for yesterday's, and I have a 2fer for today's. 

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Yesterday, chyme was penultimate and I think was also orneriness similar to Langue_doc's, as I was missing a four letter word and just typing stuff like chym and ended up typing the actual word.  Definitely surprised, never heard of it as far as I know.  Final was amyl, which I should have gotten earlier, but at least I finally figured that out.

Argh on LB!! I had anguish and a bunch of others like hoedown, howdy, showdown, and it even took designy (if it had taken hoedowny or showdowny it would have been a dang 2fer).  Oh well! Hopefully today is easier.  Congrats on your 2fer already, cathwen! I was super impressed yesterday too since the rest of us could not seem to get anywhere.

We are way behind on puzzles, as I woke up too early, took a decongestant, and then slept too late.  Now we have a busy morning, but hopefully the sleep helped.  Just got crossword done and started on the bee but may not be able to get back to it until afternoon and need coffee.

Happy solving!


SB - hit genius.

LB - 2fer b4ss. ETA: 2fer!

We'll see how the rest of the day goes.
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Congrats on the 2fer, ciao_yall! I have some contenders, but nothing yet.

Finally got to do some puzzling after husband got back early and my seminar ended early, but we are not at Alpha (yet?).  This puzzle seems to be a struggle.  I feel like I've gotten quite a few bee words, but I am obviously missing something.  Still have to start on sudokus.


Yippee!  QB! 

The last two words were hard, and I found them just by playing around.  And some help from Shunn, so I knew which letter the words began with. 

Congrats on your 2fer, ciao_yall!


Yeehaw! Congrats, cathwen!  I am hoping to get back to it in a bit, but I still have a couple words to go (5, looks like).

ETA: Finally got to an impure team QB.  Ugh, a lot of bee words in there today! The final two were tough.  One I happened on, and the other I finally remembered from a previous puzzle.


Quote from: ab_grp on May 14, 2021, 11:56:59 AM
Yeehaw! Congrats, cathwen!  I am hoping to get back to it in a bit, but I still have a couple words to go (5, looks like).

ETA: Finally got to an impure team QB.  Ugh, a lot of bee words in there today! The final two were tough.  One I happened on, and the other I finally remembered from a previous puzzle.

Congrats! After being stuck at just-into-Genius I went to the shunn site. Only 33 words out of 42! Even the starting letter count isn't triggering anything. Did already have all the N-words, so yay me.

Did find a few more 3fers and 2fer b4ss but still just the one 2fer which I cling to like a faded Prom Queen sash from the pinnacle of my accomplishments... if I had even been prom queen, which I wasn't. So, it's just sad.
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Just realized that it's Friday and not Saturday. Staying off electronic devices so that I can clear my brain. Found a two-fer; haven't looked at the bee since morning.