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September research

Started by Sun_Worshiper, September 06, 2020, 04:50:49 PM

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Quote from: Parasaurolophus on September 16, 2020, 05:18:09 PM
Quote from: Parasaurolophus on September 16, 2020, 11:43:07 AM
I think today I will focus on October R&R, and maybe cut a little from Book Review, time and energy permitting.

Did some good revising (which I hope I can maybe finish-ish Friday?), and cut another 105 words. I'd like to cut another 50 or so, but this is serviceable.

Quote from: darkstarrynight on September 16, 2020, 12:39:23 PM


  • Long-awaited article came out yesterday!
  • Acceptance revisions resubmitted after I updated a source
  • R&R due next week is almost done!
  • Finished rough draft for new colleague so hu can work on it now
  • Almost done with rejected manuscript revamp with co-author to submit to new journal

w00t, congrats on all of those! You're killing it!


  • R&R due next week is almost done!
  • Finished rough draft for new colleague so hu can work on it now
  • Almost done with rejected manuscript revamp with co-author to submit to new journal

Submitted the R&R today. Yesterday I reviewed the rising star/superstar paper and sent it back to superstar author so hu can respond to my questions before submitting. I also updated the "new rough draft" since new co-author had not started on it yet. My co-author on the rejected manuscript went a bit crazy with theoretical implications in our discussion section - we are almost 15 pages over page max for the target journal. I told hu to move it to a blank document so we can use it in our second paper, and cut it down a bit.

Next goal:

  • Return to grant-funded project's manuscript



  • Submit Book Review
  • Work on October R&R

I doubt I can finish the R&R today, but I can surely come close.
I know it's a genus.


Late to the thread today because I sat down this morning to work on my sample chapter (yay!) and then deal with a deluge of student and other issues (ugh).

For the rest of the day:
--Polish my grant proposal & have it ready to submit
--Record 2 new videos for students
--Write another 500 words for the sample chapter

Good luck & congratulations to all others--what a productive thread this has been this week!



Today: manuscript with superstar and rising star was submitted!
Because everything right now is anticlimactic, I just want to celebrate here since no one really understands or cares (like my family, spouse, or even my colleagues).
This week: one article was published, one was accepted, I submitted a revised manuscript, and submitted a new manuscript. Every project is with different co-authors which is really fun. I am not sure if I have ever had such a productive week, so I am raising a glass to myself. Hurrah!


Best of news, darkstarrynight! Congratulations, and I shall toast in your honor imminently.

The fora is a land of anonymity, which I think is healthy, but do you have any colleagues who could toast and celebrate with you on Zoom this weekend? I'm grateful that my partner was the child of an academic and understands exactly how much work goes into publications. I hope you will soon be able to be bolstered and praised by visible humans who both understand and care.

[*clink*] YAY!

Today I polished my grant proposal and finished 1000 words (total, including this morning pre-post) on my draft chapter. I hate making videos . . . they may not be finished tonight, which I will still count as a win since I managed to put my research first, for once this term.



Today was awful. I was unable to protect my time, and nothing was done.

I'll regroup and try again tomorrow.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: darkstarrynight on September 18, 2020, 01:05:45 PM
Today: manuscript with superstar and rising star was submitted!
Because everything right now is anticlimactic, I just want to celebrate here since no one really understands or cares (like my family, spouse, or even my colleagues).
This week: one article was published, one was accepted, I submitted a revised manuscript, and submitted a new manuscript. Every project is with different co-authors which is really fun. I am not sure if I have ever had such a productive week, so I am raising a glass to myself. Hurrah!



I'm in grading hell this week/weekend, but should get a few (small) things crossed off my list next week.  October will be better for me on the research side.


K, I did it. There's another day's work required, then October R&R should be done.
I know it's a genus.


We actually had a department zoom get together on Friday, but it had little to do with discussing work. Sometimes that is okay, though. It was more social.

On the rejected manuscript, co-author and I worked back and forth on it and moved so much extra stuff into another document we can use for the second article. It is just a few pages over. I think we might even be able to finish it up shortly and submit it this week.

My goal this week is still to return to my grant project's partial manuscript right now. I have a lot of co-authors on this one who were part of the grant, but they are all busy in their own worlds and are not doing much on this, whether at my institution or the other one. It is probably closer to being finished than it seems, so I am going to give it some attention.


More research done yesterday, hoping for more writing today.

It's good to see/hear of people whose writing can stay in the forefront of their thinking and to be able to challenge myself to do the same.

There are several other 'children' tugging at my skirts at the moment, but I'm setting aside today to listen to the "Write me! Write me!" one.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


A fair few teaching tasks today, so I'll try to make a little progress on either Book Proposal or October R&R.
I know it's a genus.


Too much teaching and nose leaking. Research postponed.
I know it's a genus.


Submitted the initially rejected manuscript to another journal last night (in half size). Co-author and I are proceeding with the second paper using the other half of the original article plus some more data from the study. I also worked on the grant manuscript yesterday and sent the team what I need them to do, hopefully before the end of October.


"Day job" mailing this weekend...thought it was next....grumble.

All else on hold till the merging, sorting, and printing are done.

See you next week...

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.