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Vaccination nation

Started by downer, December 23, 2020, 07:05:08 AM

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permanent imposter

Quote from: Larimar on April 16, 2021, 02:59:05 PM
Moderna 2nd shots did knock both Mr. Larimar and me over the day after we got them. I could barely use my arm for about 30 hours, and we spent pretty much the whole day asleep. Since then my eczema has been itching at torturous levels. I haven't gotten much sleep. I just saw my dermatologist, and she thinks yes, it is because of the shot. She said she has seen a lot of this in the past 2 weeks. If you have eczema, beware the Moderna shot. I can't speak for the other kinds.

Shoot, I have eczema, and my first Moderna shot already gave me a low-grade fever and fatigue that knocked me out for most of a day... getting that steroid cream ready!


yeah, I got one. Pfizer. I was in no hurry, but my wife nudged me. If you ask me, young parents would get preference. People who have others depending on them for basic sustenance are what sustains the world. We old timers have had our day. Everything now is a bonus.


Got shot #2 (Pfizer) on Tuesday and hardly knew it.  (Hopefully my immune system did, though!)  My arm was conspicuously less sore than it has been with other recent vaccines I've had (flu shot, TDaP, etc.).

Spouse got shot #2 today (also Pfizer).  Will report back in a couple of days.

We intentionally staggered them so that at least one of us would be able to take care of the baby in the event of bad side effects.

Hopefully the trials in young kids will go well and the baby can get one safely and soonish.  We are participating in a study of antibody transfer through breastmilk, but of course won't get real-time personal results.

Among my immediate blood-relatives (parents in their 70s, sister, maternal aunt), only 1 person had day-ruining side effects from the Pfizer vaccine (fever, etc.).  The rest of us had very mild (sore arm, fatigue, chills lasting less than an hour) to no side effects.


Quote from: permanent imposter on April 16, 2021, 08:05:26 PM
Quote from: Larimar on April 16, 2021, 02:59:05 PM
Moderna 2nd shots did knock both Mr. Larimar and me over the day after we got them. I could barely use my arm for about 30 hours, and we spent pretty much the whole day asleep. Since then my eczema has been itching at torturous levels. I haven't gotten much sleep. I just saw my dermatologist, and she thinks yes, it is because of the shot. She said she has seen a lot of this in the past 2 weeks. If you have eczema, beware the Moderna shot. I can't speak for the other kinds.

Shoot, I have eczema, and my first Moderna shot already gave me a low-grade fever and fatigue that knocked me out for most of a day... getting that steroid cream ready!

If it makes you feel any better, my mother has eczema, but had no itching problems after either dose of Moderna.
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me


ALHS didn't have any post-Moderna #2 effects.  I woke up during the night-after with chills and a rotten headache; by morning, the chills were gone, but the headache and fatigue lasted until around noon the next day (yesterday).  There's some brain fog still remaining today, too.  Again, though, better than getting sick.


Quote from: apl68 on April 17, 2021, 06:16:20 AM
Quote from: permanent imposter on April 16, 2021, 08:05:26 PM
Quote from: Larimar on April 16, 2021, 02:59:05 PM
Moderna 2nd shots did knock both Mr. Larimar and me over the day after we got them. I could barely use my arm for about 30 hours, and we spent pretty much the whole day asleep. Since then my eczema has been itching at torturous levels. I haven't gotten much sleep. I just saw my dermatologist, and she thinks yes, it is because of the shot. She said she has seen a lot of this in the past 2 weeks. If you have eczema, beware the Moderna shot. I can't speak for the other kinds.

Shoot, I have eczema, and my first Moderna shot already gave me a low-grade fever and fatigue that knocked me out for most of a day... getting that steroid cream ready!

If it makes you feel any better, my mother has eczema, but had no itching problems after either dose of Moderna.

I don't have eczema, but both Moderna shots made my arm itch for weeks afterwards. Nothing too terrible, but weird.


Starting tomorrow, VA residents 16 and up can make vaccine appointments:
Posted on WTOP Radio online (4/17/21)


My second Pfizer dose ended up having no side effects other than the same arm soreness that happened the first time.  After three days, I figure I'm now in the clear on side effects.
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me


Attendance at our vax clinics is starting to taper off.  My guess is that most of those desperate to receive a jab have already had 1 or 2.  We are now at the point of trying to convince those who are a bit more hesitant that the vaccine is still in their best interests.  If you have conversations with friends, family or co-workers who are on the fence, could you please tell them:

* Covid remains real.  People are still getting sick and still dying.

* Clinical testing for vaccines is extensive and ongoing.  The concerns that we have about clots with J&J & AZ vaccines are evidence that the system is working to ensure safety of the vaccines.

* The risk for a clot seems to be far far lower than the risk of dying and far lower than the risk of getting covid

* The side effects reported to date are annoying but usually last < 24 hours.  A mild fever and some muscle aches and pains are typical and are evidence that you have had an immune response to the vaccine - which is what we want.

* Even if you remain unconvinced that you need the vaccine or that it works, getting vaccinated is part of good citizenship and will result in getting back to some form of normal as quickly as possible.

* Get your medical advice from experts.  Dr. Facebook and Professor Twitter are frequently wrong.

Thanks fora.  We can all play a part in this pandemic, no matter how far removed from day to day clinical care we may be.
Funeral by funeral, the academy advances


I got my second Moderna dose yesterday morning.  In contrast to the first dose, the sore upper arm didn't start waited a few hours.  Then, last night, I had the most impressive chills I have ever experienced.  I turned up the thermostat by 5 degrees, put on an extra blanket, and wore two layers of clothes to bed, and I was still shivering.  No fever, though (whenever I measured my temperature, it was right at 98 degrees F), just the illusion of fever.  Then, this morning, getting out of bed was very difficult (my body just didn't want to move), but since I've been up and moving around a little, it's started to feel better.  So I am going to conclude that I probably have lots of antibodies now.


My state finally opened up for everyone yesterday, but of course no appointments to be had. The university got some doses, but is prioritizing students in dorms (which makes sense). I signed up for text alerts, and one came at 4:15 AM but of course by the time I was awake there were no appointments.  So I may have to wait a few weeks, or set an alarm for 4 AM.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Some of you have pointed out that it is legal for universities to require vaccinations of students.

But this weekend I heard of one prominent place that decided against requiring vaccinations because they were worried about lawsuits.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."—Sinclair Lewis


This is the US.  There is virtually no connection between what is illegal and what you can be sued for.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


I would think the fact that the vaccines only have emergency use authorization would open the door to lawsuits (with or without actual merit).


So are there any trends in which schools are requiring vaccination of studends and/or faculty? Public vs private? Red vs blue state?
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."—Sinclair Lewis