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If a student in your class has a PhD

Started by Charlotte, January 10, 2021, 06:58:23 AM

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When I was in library school (2000), I had just completed the PhD and told people, profs included.  One prof became a long-time mentor and advisor/ reference, with whom I carried on correspondence till he passed away two years ago.   Most of the other professors treated me, pr appeared to treat me, somewhat awkwardly.   Part of the problem was my somewhat snarky attitude, largely due to my real (I surprised myself wrt just how real) resentment at having to take such a degree, despite the library work being different and more interesting by a goodly amount than I had anticipated.   But part was also my inherent prejudice against librarians, largely due to indoctrination in classics grad school (I can elaborate if anyone feels interested), and due to my real, and quite frankly legitimate, underwhelmedness at what I found in library school wrt the overall academic preparation of many of the students, the rigor of the classwork, and, quite frankly, the EdDs of many of the professors.   The reserved, snobbish attitude towards their students, which contrasted mightily with the classics faculty's, also was a factor-- indeed, when I passed in my final copy of the dissertation to get the PhD awarded, after i had completed a semester of LIS school, the administrator in the grad office, noticing my current studies there, remarked that she thought I must have seen a great deal of difference between the classics dept and the library science dept.   She was right.   Not all 'grad school' is created equal.


I teach studio art at a cc and over the years I've had a fair number of older, often retired, people come to take classes. I've had a few retired nurses, someone with a PhD in english, and a few MBA folks. I think one of my favorite students was a gentleman who had driven a trash truck for the county for forty years, he just wanted to learn how to draw.
I have found that many of the people who have had a lot of success in life often have difficulties with art classes, they just are out of practice at being genuinely bad at something.