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May Research

Started by Faith786, May 01, 2021, 06:08:57 AM

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I thought that perhaps we should start this post. Happy May!!

May goals:
-revise manuscript May 7
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)[/s]
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)[/s]

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

I need this grant approved...


    May's goals:

    • Find 2-3 more panelists for annual conference panel
    • Read two big items for each of two new book sections
    • Finalize all existing book sections
    • Write two more book sections
    • Start revising Grumbly Paper


    • Start any number of new book section
    • Touch up and resubmit Collaboration 1
    • Touch up and resubmit New Paper (well, it's almost two years old, but still doing the rounds)
    • Read an item or two for Collaboration 3

    Today: the book section work I didn't manage to do yesterday.
I know it's a genus.


Grades are due in a couple of days, so research is coming back to the top of my agenda after a couple of weeks completely away from it. Here are my May goals:

  • Work on polishing up paper #1 in preparation for first submission to a journal
  • Work on polishing up paper #2 in preparation for first submission to a journal
  • Start working through data that my RAs have spent the last six months or so collecting
  • Start outlining new paper with senior colleague
  • Identify a new project to start working on - preferably something solo


Got an R&R back today for the last paper I wrote last summer, and which I continued to fix up into this school year. The comments (from three referees) are great, but require extensive work to address.

I'm happy and all, but it would have been nice if any of that could have been raised any of the four other times it's been submitted in the last year, instead of rejections without comments (but not even desk rejections). I'd have liked to start on revisions like these before the hatchling hatched. /grumble

So, anyway. I'ma add that to the to-do list for May (and June, and maybe even July).
I know it's a genus.


    Finally I can contribute and think that things will get done!
    • Finish grading all student work (~130 major items and some small things)
    • Start applying to jobs (1-2 a week after grading is finished)
    • Clean up citations in rough chapter of next book
    • Draft second chapter of next book



Did a tiny bit of book section stuff before life intruded. More tomorrow!
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 01, 2021, 10:53:07 AM
Got an R&R back today for the last paper I wrote last summer, and which I continued to fix up into this school year. The comments (from three referees) are great, but require extensive work to address.

Congrats on the R&R! Plus, I am amused with "Grumbly paper!"


May Goals!


  • Review 4 journal manuscripts - 3 as guest reviewer and 1 as editorial board member - and 2 chapters for academic book
  • Continue data collection with first-year colleague in my department
  • Analyze data for project with subfield colleague, manuscript due in September
  • Analyze data for special issue project due in June
  • Work on research brief based on early April conference presentation

Other Goals

  • Hopefully get proof of accepted manuscript to be published this summer
  • Hopefully get a decision on manuscript under review for more than six months after bugging editor three weeks ago nicely
  • Work on sabbatical application and research goals for it
  • Continue long-term project that has stalled because of pandemic


Hi, all! Hope it's ok for a newbie to join. I'm starting sabbatical and could really use the accountability and camaraderie. I'm used to working in the office with colleagues who are great for a chat or a coffee break or a writing power-hour, but I'll be away at least for the summer. Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend!

May Goals
- finish drafting Part 1
- send Part 1 to friendly readers (May 12)
- have research student compile master bibliography
- begin revising Part 2 (4 sections/day)

Long(er) Term Goals
June 2: finish Part 2, begin revising Part 3 (4 sections/day)
June 23: finish revising Part 3, revise Part 1
July 15: all sections complete; submit MS to editor


Quote from: Faith786 on May 01, 2021, 06:08:57 AM

May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-revise manuscript May 7
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)[/s]
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)[/s]

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding
I need this grant approved...


Book section work today.
I know it's a genus.


I've gotten good bits of work on the Ppt for Monday's talk, but there's still more to do...a lot more...but at least I found the one article I really, really REALLY needed, and have gotten helpful feedback from two of my favorite liturgical gurus.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: alcibiades on May 02, 2021, 04:04:13 AM
Hi, all! Hope it's ok for a newbie to join. I'm starting sabbatical and could really use the accountability and camaraderie. I'm used to working in the office with colleagues who are great for a chat or a coffee break or a writing power-hour, but I'll be away at least for the summer. Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend!


I got busy and dropped out of the April thread, but I also just realized it's a new month so I can start over with trying to post in these. Today I created most of a budget for a grant proposal.


Quote from: darkstarrynight on May 01, 2021, 10:07:30 PM
May Goals!


  • Review 4 journal manuscripts - 3 as guest reviewer and 1 as editorial board member - and 2 chapters for academic book
  • Continue data collection with first-year colleague in my department
  • Analyze data for project with subfield colleague, manuscript due in September
  • Analyze data for special issue project due in June
  • Work on research brief based on early April conference presentation

Other Goals

  • Hopefully get proof of accepted manuscript to be published this summer
  • Hopefully get a decision on manuscript under review for more than six months after bugging editor three weeks ago nicely
  • Work on sabbatical application and research goals for it
  • Continue long-term project that has stalled because of pandemic

Welcome, alcibiades!

I was a very efficient grader this morning so I managed to review two articles this afternoon! Go me! Subfield colleague texted me that hu's GA had finished our transcripts, so I need to take a look at those and start analysis. Tomorrow I am going to finish my first review of transcripts for the special issue project. I worked on the research brief a few minutes ago and sent it back to my colleagues.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 03, 2021, 08:37:16 AM
Book section work today.

Did it, though not as much as I'd have liked.
I know it's a genus.