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May Research

Started by Faith786, May 01, 2021, 06:08:57 AM

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More book section work today.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 03, 2021, 08:27:55 AM

May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-revise manuscript May 7
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)[/s]
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)[/s]

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding
I need this grant approved...


I know it's a genus.


Did some references for my grant today.


Some book section work in between errands today.
I know it's a genus.


Got all of my special issue project quotes transferred from transcripts to a document for coding today. Received all transcripts for my project with subfield colleague. Now cutting down a manuscript by ~700 words to meet guidelines for submission.


Quote from: nonsensical on May 04, 2021, 03:53:34 PM
Did some references for my grant today.

More on this today, plus giving a lab member feedback on an experiment that they are getting ready to run.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 04, 2021, 10:29:32 AM

May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-review and email appendices/exhibits May 5
-revise manuscript May 7
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)[/s]
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)[/s]

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding
I need this grant approved...


I know it's a genus.


This was my first research-heavy day in what seems like a long time: I wrote up a preliminary abstract for an upcoming conference, put together rough draft of application for in-house grant, and found some data on a topic that I have been wanting to study but hadn't been sure how to approach (I'm still not sure that this is the right data, but it is at least something).

Tomorrow I'm going to work more on the grant application and hopefully begin making revisions on a paper that I presented at conferences last month and now am almost ready to send to a journal.


Book section cleanup today, I think. Maybe start re-reading for August Chapter Contribution (ugh).
I know it's a genus.


Finished the references for my grant today, and did a bit more reading for a different project.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 06, 2021, 07:48:43 AM
Book section cleanup today, I think. Maybe start re-reading for August Chapter Contribution (ugh).

Done and done, surprisingly!
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 05, 2021, 05:20:08 PM

May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-review and email appendices/exhibits May 5
-revise manuscript May 7 (a day early, yay!)
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics[/s]
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)[/s]
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)[/s]

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding
I need this grant approved...


Things are moving slowly here, as I've been tied up with graduation activities and packing my apartment. Hoping to make some better progress next week once the students are gone, the subletters are here and I'm settled in my summer digs!