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May Research

Started by Faith786, May 01, 2021, 06:08:57 AM

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I feel like taking today off entirely, so... I will!
I know it's a genus.


Paper went decently and I've gotten to listen to 3 other sessions so far.


Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 11, 2021, 11:59:05 AM
I feel like taking today off entirely, so... I will!

This is a great decision and I hope you had a lovely time.

I sent a collaborator feedback on a paper draft. It was much further along than I expected for a first draft, which made my job easier.


Thanks! It was ok!

I feel like book sectioning today, so that.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 10, 2021, 06:50:15 AM
May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-review and email appendices/exhibits May 5
-revise manuscript May 7 (a day early, yay!)
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1 May 11
-read chapter 2
-read chapter 3
-read chapter 4
-read chapter 5
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

N(complete) = 8
I need this grant approved...


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 12, 2021, 11:06:45 AM
I feel like book sectioning today, so that.

Got a bit done. Given how fragmented my time is these days, I should perhaps find a way to focus a little more. Shrug. I'll think about how to do this all more efficiently.
I know it's a genus.


Spent some time planning new experiments with trainees today. It isn't writing but I am counting to count it as research progress anyway.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 12, 2021, 02:54:16 PM
May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-review and email appendices/exhibits May 5
-revise manuscript May 7 (a day early, yay!)
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1 May 11
-read chapter 2 May 12
-read chapter 3
-read chapter 4
-revise manuscript May 17
-read chapter 5
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

N(complete) = 9
I need this grant approved...


Finishing that blasted book section today. Working on it piecemeal has only prolonged things.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 13, 2021, 09:31:47 AM
Finishing that blasted book section today. Working on it piecemeal has only prolonged things.

Congrats on finishing! I gave a student feedback on an experiment proposal. Also started writing up some of my research for an award but gave up in frustration - might pick that up again tomorrow.


Alas, I couldn't finish it today, though I did some work on it. It's just that I only have ~20 minutes of writing time a day these days, which really isn't enough to achieve much of note. I need to find ways to expand it a bit.
I know it's a genus.


Today I finish that section, and do a bit of work on another. I'll also start cleaning out my inbox.

Happily, I've already accomplished the first.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 13, 2021, 03:35:49 AM
May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-review and email appendices/exhibits May 5
-revise manuscript May 7 (a day early, yay!)
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1 May 11
-read chapter 2 May 12
-create manuscript ideas excel table May 14
-read chapter 3
-read chapter 4
-revise manuscript May 17
-read chapter 5
-summarize timeline chart May 20
-peer review due May 24
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Read/review/summarize another paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

N(complete) = 11
I need this grant approved...


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 14, 2021, 08:10:10 AM
Today I finish that section, and do a bit of work on another. I'll also start cleaning out my inbox.

Happily, I've already accomplished the first.

Done, done, and done. Phew!
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on May 14, 2021, 01:02:12 PM
May goals:
-email update to research team due May 1
-email update to research team due May 4
-review and upload research letter with tracked changes May 4
-review and email appendices/exhibits May 5
-revise manuscript May 7 (a day early, yay!)
-peer review due May 10
-read chapter 1 May 11
-read chapter 2 May 12
-create manuscript ideas excel table May 14
-review, revise, and respond to graduate student research proposal May 15
-read chapter 3
-read chapter 4
-revise manuscript May 17
-read chapter 5
-summarize timeline chart May 20
-peer review due May 24
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #10 for 2021 project May 14
-write reflection of article #11 for 2021 project
-write a page for item#4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 4,500 words)
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Read/review/summarize another paper to add to research library for 2021 project
-Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics
-Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score
-Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics
-Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s)
-peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on during the third wave of COVID-19 so that research can continue
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

N(complete) = 13
I need this grant approved...