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June Research

Started by Faith786, June 01, 2021, 08:07:11 AM

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Quote from: Parasaurolophus on June 16, 2021, 08:32:22 AM
Today I'm correcting article proofs. Annoyingly, they seem to have used my penultimate draft.

Done!vThank Bog for the 'compare documents' function.

Quote from: mamselle on June 16, 2021, 09:07:14 AM
Quote from: Parasaurolophus on June 16, 2021, 08:32:22 AM
Today I'm correcting article proofs. Annoyingly, they seem to have used my penultimate draft.

I've seen that in work done for editing clients.

What are they thinking!!!!!!????????


No kidding! This is the second time it's happened to me (at different journals).
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: darkstarrynight on June 02, 2021, 08:31:21 PM
Here we go, June! I had an article published yesterday which is exciting. I cannot wait for the next one coming out this summer, as it is incredibly timely with current events so I think people will read it!


  • Review 2 journal manuscripts, 1 as guest reviewer due 6/25 and 1 as editorial board member due 7/1
  • Finish special issue manuscript due 6/15 ASAP
  • Analyze data for project with subfield colleague who already finished initial analysis without me because I am behind, manuscript due in September
  • Develop manuscript reviewer training for new editorial board members before end of the month

Other Goals

  • Continue data collection with first-year colleague in my department - not my top priority
  • Work on sabbatical application and research goals for it - due in Fall
  • Continue long-term project that has stalled because of pandemic (probably my sabbatical goal)
  • Make small edits to accepted article with former student due at end of summer

Things are happening! Yay!

  • I finished reviewing the manuscript as a guest reviewer today, so I have one left I plan to do next week.
  • We submitted the special issue manuscript the afternoon it was due. I was an anxious wreck but my co-authors and I got it done.
  • I just started data analysis today to catch up with my subfield colleague who finished last month.
  • I worked on manuscript reviewer training yesterday and today. The date has been scheduled for late July so I have time to put this together and run it by the editor team.
  • I am meeting with my former student to make our minor edits on the accepted manuscript in early July so we can get that submitted and published this year!
  • I worked on some sabbatical ideas yesterday and emailed a colleague to see if there is something we could collaborate on during that time through hu's research center.
  • I found a potential grant yesterday for my long-term exciting project and am having lunch tomorrow with our Associate Dean of Research to discuss it.


Gonna make a start on August Chapter today. It's not the most pressing thing, but I do need to properly break ground on it or it won't ever get done.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on June 17, 2021, 10:57:49 AM
Gonna make a start on August Chapter today. It's not the most pressing thing, but I do need to properly break ground on it or it won't ever get done.

Managed 300ish words. It's a start!

I also had to audit a colleague's class, and that's done. I'll have to write a report sometime soon, however.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on June 15, 2021, 08:15:06 PM
June goals:
-1. revise and resubmit r manuscript June 3
-2. peer review June 5
-3. draft worksheet on definitions/terms/meanings June 3
-4. submit work by June 4
-5. confirm conference paper 1 acceptance, mode of presentation, and agree to be recorded by June 5
-6. confirm conference paper 2 acceptance, mode of presentation, and agree to be recorded by June 5
-7. Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics June 8
-8. Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score June 8
-9. Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics June 8
-10. Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s) June 8
-11. Update CV to reflect accepted conference paper 1 June 8
-12. Update CV to reflect accepted conference paper 2 June 8
-13. peer review due June 8
-14. draft interview questions/guide June 10
-15. read ch. 19 June 9
-16. read ch. 20 June 12
-17. research discussion due June 13
-18. write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-19. peer review June 15 (late, oops!)
-20. review and revise references for final draft of manuscript June 15
-21. read ch. 42 June 17 (late!)
-22. Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics by June 18
-23. Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score June 18
-24. Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics June 18
-25. Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s) June 18
-26. peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)
-read ch. 39
-read ch. 46
-read ch. 30
-peer review June 22
-peer review June 30
-R&R due June 25 to June 30
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 6,000 words)
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #11 for 2021 project
-summarize timeline chart [drafted in ppt slide], upload p research documents to secure website-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-email title of research presentation for faculty research series due ~June28
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on while COVID-19 seems to be going away (finally!) so that research can continue
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

I need this grant approved...


Tiny bits more typed. Yea!

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


I won't have my hands very free today, so I'll probably only manage to read for a new book section.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: mamselle on June 18, 2021, 07:44:27 AM
Tiny bits more typed. Yea!


And some more.

Time to start teaching.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on June 18, 2021, 08:32:28 AM
I won't have my hands very free today, so I'll probably only manage to read for a new book section.

Did some, but didn't finish. Will finish tomorrow.
I know it's a genus.


Finished it and read a second today.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Faith786 on June 18, 2021, 07:43:51 AM

June goals:
-1. revise and resubmit r manuscript June 3
-2. peer review June 5
-3. draft worksheet on definitions/terms/meanings June 3
-4. submit work by June 4
-5. confirm conference paper 1 acceptance, mode of presentation, and agree to be recorded by June 5
-6. confirm conference paper 2 acceptance, mode of presentation, and agree to be recorded by June 5
-7. Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics June 8
-8. Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score June 8
-9. Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics June 8
-10. Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s) June 8
-11. Update CV to reflect accepted conference paper 1 June 8
-12. Update CV to reflect accepted conference paper 2 June 8
-13. peer review due June 8
-14. draft interview questions/guide June 10
-15. read ch. 19 June 9
-16. read ch. 20 June 12
-17. research discussion due June 13
-18. write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 5,000 words)
-19. peer review June 15 (late, oops!)
-20. review and revise references for final draft of manuscript June 15
-21. read ch. 42 June 17 (late!)
-22. Update CV to reflect Google Scholar citation count, h-index, and i10 index metrics by June 18
-23. Update CV to reflect ResearchGate score June 18
-24. Update CV to reflect Publons review metrics June 18
-25. Update CV to reflect submitted/under review manuscript(s) June 18
-26. peer-review two new manuscripts relevant to research field(s)
-27. read ch. 39
-read ch. 46
-read ch. 30
-peer review June 22
-research discussion June 27
-peer review June 30
-R&R due June 25 to June 30
-write another page for item #4 (book chapter) due late July 2021 (now at 6,000 words)
-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-write reflection of article #11 for 2021 project
-summarize timeline chart [drafted in ppt slide], upload p research documents to secure website-make chart 2 with dates, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sources, references
-email title of research presentation for faculty research series due ~June28
-Read/review/summarize relevant paper to add to research library for 2021 project

Short-term/ongoing goals:
-Try to stay alive, keep calm, and carry on while COVID-19 seems to be going away (finally!) so that research can continue
-Continue drafting item #4 (book chapter) with reading/review of up-to-date literature
-read, revise and email myself item #5 (s manuscript) and get it down to <20-25 pages

Long-term goals:
-apply for research funding

I need this grant approved...


Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Got reviewer feedback on book chapter, sent my co-authors information on the google doc with reviewer comments in it so we can work on it together where the issues are. Onward!


I'm on a road trip and taking today off.
I know it's a genus.


I read transcripts yesterday but now am attending a conference this week, so research will have to wait.