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Establishing a new undergrad and grad programs

Started by Vid, April 09, 2022, 09:03:04 PM

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OK, then, yes, they threw you in at the deep end and didn't give you a life raft to get out with.

Having hauled yourself out anyway, steer clear, as mleok posits.

Not your circus, not your monkeys.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


mleok: the program was designed for BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Engineering. this is the reason why the Associate Dean for Research was involved.

mamselle: Thank you. You are very wise.
"I see the world through eyes of love. I see love in every flower, in the sun and the moon, and in every person I meet." Louise L. Hay


I'm a little puzzled. If you already have an Engineering Department, why aren't they already working in this subfield?


ciao_yall: NO, School of Engineering doesnot have this program or has another engineering program which is around 10% close to this proposed degree program. We had a suggestion to make this new engineering program a cross-disciplinary degree with the School of Engineering (give joint appointments to some School of Engineering faculty).

"I see the world through eyes of love. I see love in every flower, in the sun and the moon, and in every person I meet." Louise L. Hay


Quote from: Vid on April 26, 2022, 07:12:16 PM
ciao_yall: NO, School of Engineering doesnot have this program or has another engineering program which is around 10% close to this proposed degree program. We had a suggestion to make this new engineering program a cross-disciplinary degree with the School of Engineering (give joint appointments to some School of Engineering faculty).


Thank you for clarifying. Now it makes more sense.


It sounds as if this idea had considerable merit but was too radical at the moment. I bet it will percolate for a while, some others will see the value and then there comes a moment when the stars align and the program is  welcomed.

If that is the case, it makes sense to dropp it now but bring up its merits now and then in various venues and see when it gets a bit of new traction.


We can't possibly know anything about this proposal or its merit. However, if it has some merit, or at least has appeal, then probably Engineering School will come around to showing some interest. They probably just didn't like being taken by surprise, or perhaps your Dean didn't want to be the one to surprise them. Probably best to withdraw from leading any efforts, but show interest from time to time.


The merit of a proposal is not simply a question of identifying an opportunity, it also requires buy-in from stakeholders and a plan for securing the initial funding to start up the program, cost-benefit analysis, as well as the potential opportunity costs associated with the program.


Quote from: Vid on April 25, 2022, 12:35:04 PM
Our dean is a visualized leader, meaning that he has to see some math,  successful examples, numbers, net gain, etc. to believe that this program would be successful!

The term "visualized leader" caught my eye - what model system is this from?  I'd like to learn more about it. 

Sorry the first attempt failed.  Sounds like it will come around again - would you still like to pursue it if it does?


no1capybara: Yes, I would love to. This degree is going to bring talents to my department/college. But I think I first need to get strong here, I try to bring up its merit in the faculty gathering, etc...

visionary leadership comes from visual thinking-- spatial-temporal reasoning and spatial visualization ability (spatial learning or picture thinking)!

Thank you.
"I see the world through eyes of love. I see love in every flower, in the sun and the moon, and in every person I meet." Louise L. Hay