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What's your fantasy side business

Started by lightning, December 27, 2022, 08:46:17 AM

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I would also love to be:
- a highly paid freelance writer
- a highly paid cultural consultant (in my niche culture/s) for TV shows or movies or fiction writers, so that they don't make egregious boo boos when writing about my niche culture/s which happens much more often than one would think
- an actor in character parts, commercials, or as the dead body, preferably highly paid
- a published short story writer or screen/script writer

Life gets in the way too much, alas, and I am rapidly aging.


Run a gymnastics/martial arts/rock-climbing/dance facility with an attached microbrewery.

No parents on the floor, but hockey glass covered observation lounges overlooking from the brewery side.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Quote from: Ruralguy on December 28, 2022, 03:39:55 PM
i already am a high priced free lance writer. Unfortunately, only pne person pays the price, and its me.

Ha! As a long-time artist who is now in academia in a different field entirely, my fantasy is that I could make the pieces I care about for real money. I've been saddened to see many of the wonderful galleries in my city close (both Covid and the internet did them in). Every three years or so I block off time to do a series, but I wish I could do more.


Jewelry designer. I have no training in this whatsoever, but I love looking at the kinds of pieces that take my breath away. Coming up with such designs would be great fun.


Calligrapher. Unfortunately, from what I can tell the most common way to make money as a callligrapher is to do wedding invitations, and I really, really hate addressing envelopes.


I'd like to have a food truck. But where I could change the menu when I wanted based on what's available. And where I wasn't really required to break even.

Kind of like bringing filet au poivre to the masses. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Until I ran out. Or it was nap time.
I wish I could find a way to show people how much I love them, despite all my words and actions. ~ Maria Bamford


If some sugar daddy benefactor gave me a boatload of bucks, I would open up an adult-ed style Christian study center/ retreat center type place, similar to L'Abri (Francis Schaeffer's Swiss one).


Seriously, I'd rather write (and not much academic stuff, definitely more popularly oriented) close to full time and maybe teach a course here and there.
Maybe that's what Phase 1 of my retirement will be like.



I travel around the American West in a small camper van, making short films and social media posts about historic sites and bicycle trails.


Running an artist residency somewhere where I really wanted to live.
I would also love to run a little bake shop with an art gallery attached. Just three or four items done really well, I make a killer spicy brownie and a chocolate chunk cookie with smoked salt, for example. 


Being a taste tester for meals and snacks at all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean.


Making and selling heirloom quality crocheted goods--afghans, baby goods, and such.

Building and running a small greenhouse to raise and sell bedding plants in spring (vegetables, herbs, and annual flowers), perennials, and houseplants. Also having a small truck garden to sell produce in the summer. (I really need to put that botany degree to use beyond my own yard.)

little bongo

Ice road trucker. Or perhaps train engineer. Although my tendency to fall asleep at inopportune times might be a disadvantage.


I'd like to be a published novelist.  I've written several works that I believe have reached the point of being publishable.  But I don't know that there's a commercially-viable market for them.  And I don't have much idea how to go about self-publishing online as a last resort to get my work out there.
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me