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The Venting Thread

Started by polly_mer, May 20, 2019, 07:03:27 PM

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This is so maddening, I need to do bullet points.
1) MrsFishProf (MFP) had ankle fusion surgery a year ago, but has since developed bone spurs and needs an arthroscopy.
2) Surgery scheduled for 8Aug22, with just enough recovery time to start teaching (middle school) in September.
3) I scheduled our vacation/research travel for 3July-6Aug.
4) She gets everything arranged, and makes sure anything she needs for the surgery is done (except one form to fill electronically 10d out)
5) Our flight gets canceled so I have to reschedule flights and hotels and rental cars (annoying, but tangential)
6) Her surgeon decides to go on vacation on the 6th, so surgery moved to the 3rd.
7) I reschedule flights and hotels and rental cars
8) About 10d before surgery, she is informed she needs a physical from her PCP to get cleared for surgery.
9) PCP has no available appointments and no one else can approve.
10) PCP agrees to do a video consult and MFP is cleared for surgery.
11) Nope, MFP needs a hematology consult because of a genetic factor (that they KNOW about b/c they did her surgery last year)
12) MFP's PCP and the surgery admin work for 4d to get a hematologist to agree to clear her.  Just need it in writing,
13) So we are a go (and MFP has gone off her very needed prescription NSAID)
14) Travel home
15) On the 1st, checks to see that yes, the hematologist said she was OK, just waiting on the written confirmation
16) yesterday, at 3pm - NO EMAIL RECIEVED - Surgery cancelled.

So, because a hematologist couldn't be bothered to write a damn email, surgery is postponed until the 22nd, and at least 2-weeks leave of absence is required.

I could spit bullets.

And MFP is still in pain and walking in a boot (so much fun in Hawaii and at Seaworld...)

I am putting this on my office wall as a reminder about timeliness in writing Letters of Recommendation, because this is the same sort of negligence I would commit if I were to delay in doing so.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Whether the inattention is because the physician is overworked or the office is disorganized, it is a worrisome commentary on medical practice.


Quote from: Harlow2 on August 03, 2022, 07:08:02 AM
Whether the inattention is because the physician is overworked or the office is disorganized, it is a worrisome commentary on medical practice.

I agree. I'm so sorry to hear that you and Mrs. FP are dealing with this.


That's awful, Fishprof. My sympathies.

I'd say that the behavior of the hematologist was the straw that broke the camel's back. Lots of other problems there too!
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."—Sinclair Lewis


Quote from: downer on August 03, 2022, 08:04:36 AM
That's awful, Fishprof. My sympathies.

I'd say that the behavior of the hematologist was the straw that broke the camel's back. Lots of other problems there too!

Definitely.  A perfect storm of incompetence, indifference, and/or inattention.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Report the hematologist.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Sorry you had that experience, FishProf.  Sometimes things just go wrong in a cascade like that.  It's happening a lot more with nearly every kind of office or business being behind or understaffed right now.
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me


Sorry to hear it, Fishprof. What a mess. Sympathies and well-wishing to Mrs. Fishprof.

Quote from: AmLitHist on August 03, 2022, 05:39:00 AM
Ouch, Larimar. Sending good thoughts.  (When I had to have all my teeth pulled a few years ago, I more or less lived on cottage cheese and scrambled eggs for about a month.)

Thanks, AmLitHist.

The dental surgery apparently went well. I don't remember much from that morning because of the anesthesia. Now I just have to wait until I get my stitches out.



Quote from: Larimar on August 03, 2022, 04:31:14 AM
Had another dental surgery yesterday. Will be on a liquid/mush diet for 2 weeks. Ugh.

Sorry to hear it. SO is having one this week.


FishProf, sorry to hear that your wife couldn't get the scheduled surgery. I would complain in writing to the hematologist's office, the insurance carrier, and also the state agencies that oversee medical practices.

Larimar, oh dear. Sending you good thoughts.


Larimar, not remembering is good.  Toward the end of my full-mouth extraction, I remember feeling them pulling a tooth and the nurse saying, "Hang on, sweetheart, we're almost done. Your BP is up and we can't give you any more ketamine."  <<shudder>>

FishProf, I'm so sorry you and your wife have had to deal with all that.  Sounds like stuff ALHS and I have gone through in various procedures, only yours hit all at once. I hope she heals well and that the worst is past.

Speaking of. . . some good news and bad (though not unexpected) from here:

--The good news:  After a couple years of increasing bruising and skin tears that have been getting worse, ALHS finally went to a dermatologist (mainly after I kept harping about his mom having had skin cancers in recent years). As expected, it's actinal purpurea, i.e., thin skin and resulting bruising and skin tears, from way too many years of landscaping, mowing, and other outdoor work without sunscreen. It can't be cured or completely reversed, but it can be lessened--and it's not cancer.

--The not so good (but not unexpected)--feel free to skip:  it's time to get his right knee replaced. The cortisone shots are only good for about 6-8 weeks before the debilitating pain returns. We were hoping to make it until at least next year, but nope. Yesterday were his last shots (in both knees*), and the hip-and-knee doc said the next time he sees ALHS will be in surgery.  Dammit. This will be his sixth major surgery over 12 years, (plus two foot surgeries and 6 months of daily IV and hyperbaric 02 in 2020-21).

It's not that I don't want him to get his knee fixed; I know it needs to be done. It's just lousy timing, as I'm still not over my foot surgery (and am starting to think this might be as good as it gets--the incision still isn't closed; I'm still in the surgical shoe; my foot still swells like a football, to the point the skin hurts; and it hurts like mad across the top of the foot in front of my instep and on the bottom of my heel), and I still haven't been able to get to a new ortho to see if there's anything he can do for my SI joint dysfunction or if he's going to finally start me on pain management.  (That's been going on since 2019 and has gotten worse with time and with this past year of the bum foot.) 

Oh, well.  It will all be fine, until it isn't, right?  Our past 12 years have been spent bouncing from one health issue to the next.  I should be grateful that things aren't worse, and that I have insurance, I know. And I know lots of people have it lots worse than we do. But I'm weepy this morning (which makes me that much more aggravated, at myself), and I have classes to get ready and I don't feel well after two days spent running to ALHS's appointments and I'm not getting anything done.  In other words, it's just one of those days.  Sorry for spewing it all here; I'm not asking for sympathy, just need to get it out of my system.  I really do try to keep a decent attitude, but sometimes it breaks down.

OK, enough; courage, Camille, and all that. 

*Dr. Hip-and-Knee (who did ALHS's hip replacement in 2014) won't do both knees at once because of other medical concerns--high BP, a congenital heart issue, sleep apnea, et al. Apparently bilateral replacements are often done, but not for him.  Dammit.


"It just makes ya tired," my grandma used to say....

For now, focus on the class, since that's something positive you can do something about directly, and resolve to put all the other issues aside 'til you're finished teaching for the day.

I know my few students aren't on the same level, but I get that, drag-your-feet-I-don't wanna-open-Zoom feeling every now and again, and my prayer is just, "Help us enjoy this time together."

Day at a time, step at a time (with or without the ankle boot and knee pads.

Thinking of you both.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


I told you a MONTH ago that these documents would be complicated because of the international source of funds. I asked you a MONTH ago to confirm that we'd sent you the documents you needed. It is now ONE week until we are supposed to pick up the keys, and TODAY you tell me that you need more documents and the compliance team isn't happy? And that you want the documents TODAY? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS LAST MONTH?

Also, all these other things you brought up today--do you have any concerns about the title deeds, do you have any questions about these statements---suppose I did? Suppose I actually did want to request a further electrical inspection? Because, remember, your timeline for closing on the property is---um---tomorrow. Sure would have been good to have a chance to ask those questions back in June. Oh, wait--I did. You just never responded.

You are appallingly bad at your job. I can't fathom how bad you are at your job. You are wildly bad at your job, and I am beyond furious that I am stuck with you.



Yes, people with little global experience just assume that everyone else does things "like we do," and that warnings to the contrary are either unnecessarily hypervigilant or a form of showing off, or both.


I hope the docs can get sorted ASAP.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Dear Grad Student,
  The evening before I depart on vacation is NOT the time to barrage me with a series of texts of all the items we need to order in the lab. One item per text. Especially since you end it all by telling me that you plan to take the week off as well. Make a %$&king list and email it to me when I get back.