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The Post For Stuff You Wanna Tell People

Started by Parasaurolophus, May 17, 2019, 10:11:39 AM

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Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. Yes, we'd been in consultation with the local police and others. Official channels were a little bit complicated because she's a resident of another province, and was taking the child with her back there, and unless you're careful that could look like kidnapping or be reported as such.

I'm relieved to report, however, that they made it onto the plane safely, while he stayed behind. So the (hopefully) most dangerous part is over, and now the hard part begins, but our involvement with that is necessarily very limited.
I know it's a genus.


The value of the government-funded postdoc I held five years ago has just been bumped up from $40.5k (then) to $70k (now). This is a very good thing, and, like, twenty years overdue.

Though I can't help but feel a little cheated, since I was pretty broke trying to live here on $40k five years ago, and $70k is a good chunk more than I made my first few years as a full-time, permanent faculty member here!
I know it's a genus.


Today, I came into possession of an early 18th-century book I hope to translate soon. Lo and behold, it came from the collection of a moderately well-known priest--sufficiently well-known to have his own English-language Wikipedia page!

It's especially sweet because it was lost in the mail for two months, and I'd given up hope (also, I got it for $90 and all other available copies online are being sold for $1500+). So, smiles all around!
I know it's a genus.


Deepest congratulations on that find, para!
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me


I occasionally do a bit of translation or copy editing for another university's curriculum people. Today, I prevented them from abbreviating "assessment" in a course title to "asses".

I think I've earned my keep.
I know it's a genus.