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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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Aww, clean, you're so sweet. Fight it off if you need to, if only to uphold your sense of dignity...

I do understand about the feelings of sorrow at losing a kitten when it turns out one might have done something differently, or more, or first kitty had Fel-V and no-one then knew much about it, and I didn't realize what was going on, either, entirely.

So, yes, the pain associated with that kind of situation can scare you off.

It really does hurt, and if it turns out that another kitty-home turns up, that's fine, too.

But beneath that hard outer financial exterior shell, I'm starting to think you're just an old softie inside.

(And that the kitten has already figured it out, as well.)

Plus--it's actually a very good sign that all her digestive functions are working properly.

That's a way of marking their territory, or their people, you know.

Their mothers often clean it up for them directly, so it's clear she trusts you...

Whatever does happen, she's being kept warm and cared for, and that's what matters.

Blessings all 'round.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


what are the dreams of week's old kittens? (not what are their aspirations... like what do they want to be when they grow up?)
but what would cause such movement of all four feet and legs?

been up for 75 minutes or so.  now i return to my own bed to hope that my cough doesnt wake the neighborhood!
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


They're dreaming of nursing.

Those little pushes are what they do to get the momma's milk to let down.

That's also one of the probable causes of them 'making biscuits' on a beloved human.

It's a transference of trusting behavior, knowing at some deep level that there is nurturance to be had.


Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Great news for the critter/creature/monster/warden kitten!  Its chances for survival have likely increased a lot!  One of the Cat Ladies (that feed the campus cats) is an admin assistant for the dean.  She has volunteered to pick it up after work today! 

Im pretty sure that I can keep it alive until then! 

Im leery of even posting this until after it happens so that I dont jinx it! 
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


Good job Clean.  Now take care of yourself.   


Sounds like the kitten found a good servant. Now, how are you doing? I hope you are recuperating well.


Hope you're doing better, Clean!

In our cat world, Kid #2's mama cat Waffles had a rough day yesterday:  her two kitties, 7 weeks old and just really starting to get around well, disappeared. So did the adoptive dad (the other barn cat), Fuzz.  Poor Waffles was bereft all day (not to mention probably hurting, as one of the kits isn't weaned yet!), as was Kid. They and Norman the Wonder-GSD kept looking all around the farm, the LP tank, the trees, the edges of the fields around the house, the lane, the machine sheds--nothing.

By late afternoon, Fuzz came back, but no babies.  Then Waffles and Fuzz disappeared for about an hour and came back--no babies. Towards dark, the entire search party (Kid, GSD, and cats) were combing the yard, under the deck, in all the nooks and crannies, and still nothing. The dog had kept stopping and looking at one area of the cornfield that comes up to the yard, and finally, out strolled the little ones, no worse for wear after being lost in the heat for at least 12 hours with no food, acting like nothing had happened.  Whew!

(I told Kid #2 I could just imagine if they all could talk. Waffles was probably chewing Fuzz out up one side and down the other: "After 7 solid weeks of these kids being all over me, I ask you to watch them for ONE hour, and what happens?!")

All's well that ends well:  they had supper and lots of family time after dark, and when I went out to the farm this afternoon, mom was herding the babies around on the deck; if either one got more than 6-7 feet away, she'd pick them up by the scruff and take them to the back door where she could keep an eye on them!


Any updates, Clean?

ALH, that's adorable, exasperating, and amazing, all at once!

Glad everyone made it home safe and sound.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


The kitty has trained her new servants well! 
Kitty is officially a 'she' and she has chosen the name Molly.
Her ears are up now (she wasnt old enough when I had her for them to be more than outlines of ears).
She has now accepted a bottle, to the great relief of her new caregivers!
She gets, and likes baths! 
Her new caregiver are letting her walk about some in the room she rules from so that she can get stronger. I think that she is still a bit wobbly, but past the toddler stage.

Tomorrow she will be in her new abode for one (glorious, fabulous, quiet, fantastic) week! 
(especially since I have been dealing with COVID and really could not provide her the care she needed to thrive and grow).

In my COVID world, my fever has broken.  Im still coughing, congested and very grumpy.  Sometimes I have a mild headache.  Mostly I m having problems sleeping. Last night I went to bed about 10 and went right to sleep, but then woke up before midnight and was up until between 2 and 3.  Then I slept in til 1030 this morning.  I needed a nap about 330 today, but i have to hold a Zoom Conference for my MBA class in 20 minutes! 

My plan is to retest tomorrow. It takes a day to get the results from the on campus testing kiosk.  Then we will plan from there to see if My Bride returns. 
In the drama department, her parents are now visiting the stand alone ER (not a hospital) because they are not feeling well.  They were supposed to return to the cancer hospital for my FIL to start radiation treatment.  .... News Flash. They are negative.  Later i will discover the details of whatever caused them to seek treatment in the first place (or if they were simply seeking to preventativly start the antiviral)
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


That was a funny story, ALH. If animals could talk (and we could understand them) maybe it would be something like this? The Natural Habitat Shorts are hilarious!

Clean, you did a great job and wonderful thing for that little baby. I'm glad your fever broke. Being sick sucks everything. Take care and allow yourself some grumpy time.


Clean, that's way too much drama for one month. Hope you can chill out a bit now that you've saved a life and begun to recover.  ALH, Whew, indeed.


Cousin took RV to dealer for some maintenance.  Returned, picked it up, drove home.....and heard mewling.  Four kittens with unopened eyes.  Momma must have had them there or moved them there, and may have been seen and thrown out by people working on the RV.  Other cousins very good with felines and has two daughters who are feeding them....including at nights.  Daughters exhausted.  Babies doing fine.


Mother cats can move their young into the most inopportune places!  Those kittens are very fortunate that they landed with somebody who'll take good care of them.

God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me


Did they find the mother cat?

She could be in need of various kinds of postnatal care, and/or be a potential candidate for mastitis if her breasts remain engorged.


Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: mamselle on July 09, 2022, 10:30:45 AM
Did they find the mother cat?

She could be in need of various kinds of postnatal care, and/or be a potential candidate for mastitis if her breasts remain engorged.


Unfortunately, kittens were not discovered until RV was home, about 60 miles from dealer.   I know that Momma cat is grieving for the loss of her babies.  My first reaction was "Oh no, poor momma."