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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good afternoon!

QBABM yesterday, last word bobbin.  Today, though, I have 11 words to go and almost certainly will need help to get to QB, if I have time to look for it. 

LB:  I had the "official" bloat-thickener..

Ab_grp, what good news about your husband!  I'm glad to hear he's on the mend.

Youngest Daughter arrived last night—the plane came in right on time and the flight was uneventful.  Traffic to JFK hit a minor snag, but it was smooth sailing on the way home.  It's great to have her here.  Tomorrow we head for Middle Daughter's house.

Happy puzzling!


Got a 2fer! And I'm down to 9 words on the bee, but I suspect I have more time than most today.

Cathwen, I'm glad Youngest Daughter got in fine and your drive wasn't too bad overall, and I hope your time at Middle Daughter's is great as well!


I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

I didn't even come close to QB yesterday.  I never really got back to the Bee due to all the cooking, chatting, etc., so I was still at QB-11.  Today I have three words to go, so there is some hope that I might find them if I have the time before we leave for Middle Daughter's house in a couple of hours.  After that...

LB:  I wish I'd seen the "official" gingerbread-housing! But instead I found brushing-godhead.. No 2fer yet today.

Happy puzzling!


I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

I didn't start the bed yet but hope to have as good luck as you both!

For LB, I had headbangers-serious.  Congrats on yours, cathwen, and I agree that the official one was a good one!

Happy solving!



Genius and pangram earlier today. That's probably it for today as there's another round of socializing and eating in a few hours.

Never found the fourth pangram yesterday, nor did I make much progress after getting to genius.


cathwen, glad daughter arrived safely. Hope you're enjoying visit with other daughter.

ab_grp, hope husband's recovery is smooth and that the pain is under control.

Hope you're all continuing to enjoy the holidays. ab_grp, sending you warm greetings especially because you're in an unfamiliar environment and away from the usual festivities. Hope you got a tree and have a Christmas celebration after you get home.


Good day!

I haven't gotten to genius with the pangram yet. I stopped to do the crosswords too so I will probably work on that a bit later. Husband actually worked on the bee yesterday and did pretty well so we did have team QB. I forget what words I was missing, but I think I was only missing two. I'm glad he was feeling well enough to do that!

No luck at all on Letterboxed unfortunately. I did try quite a bit. Maybe today!

Thanks for the continued Good wishes Langue_Doc. He's definitely progressing in a good direction but he does have little kinks here and there. I don't know if I wanna call them a setback because they are expected like trying to get over general anesthesia is not fun for the body. But he did get his central line out yesterday and he will probably not get his other pleural tube out until tomorrow so I'm not sure if he will get discharged tomorrow or Thursday but those are the possibilities right now. We will probably stay over here at least one night afterward anyway just to be close to the hospital. There are some logistics I hadn't really considered until basically the middle of the night last night which were how he will get  From the hospital to here, though he has some ideas, and there is a transport wheelchair available, how he will get around the hotel, how I will be able to pull the pick up truck out of the tight little parking space he managed to back into, how I will get the pick up truck into the garage, etc. I guess I can figure out those later. Obviously, I am thankful for the overall outcome here!  And yes we do have a tree. Luckily when the youngest was home briefly for Thanksgiving, I figured we better get that decorated then because who knows what schedules would be of course we didn't even know about this at that point, so I am glad we decorated it then.   It really doesn't feel like Christmas here at all. I have seen almost no decorations at the hotel, or the hospital, which is kind of strange, but also kind of good because it would feel a little forced I guess.

And I hope you are enjoying your festivities as well! It sounds like plenty of socializing, and good food!

I did try to correct most of the dictation transcription mistakes, but apologies for the run-on sentences and so forth.

Happy solving!



ab_grp, glad to hear that husband is progressing, although the progress appears to be slow. Good luck with getting the pickup truck out of the tight spot and other transportation logistics. It sounds as though you'll be home in a couple of days, which must be a relief. I wouldn't worry about sentence structures and typos, considering that you're writing on your phone.

Got to amazing this morning. Missed vanpool yesterday. vanpool?! Gah!

I got horndog on one of the LB days, but couldn't find a mate.

Sending good wishes to all!


Thanks, Langue_doc! And I totally agree about vanpool.  I had meant to complain about it myself. The other word I was missing was villain, which I consider a legitimate miss. 

Husband seems way better today and can walk laps without a walker and at a pretty good pace.  He should either be discharged tomorrow or Thursday, so I hope to be home by Friday.  Luckily, the physician assistant said that husband can do small driving things like pull the pick up truck out of its spot. Just not actually driving anywhere or too much twisting around. We also found out that we thankfully do not have to come back here in two weeks for his follow up! We will go to his local cardiologist for the check up and then do a phone call with the doctors up here. Hooray! I am definitely a little nervous about getting him home, but hopefully we'll be fine once we get there.


Good morning!

Pangram and well above genius so far. Missed adenine and wahine yesterday.

Today's LB looks much more difficult than yesterday's.

ab_grp, that's good news about husband's progress, and not having to drive to hospital city for the follow-up appointment. Keeping fingers crossed that all goes well with the discharge, the trip home, and above all, maneuvering the pickup from the tight spot!

Happy solving!


Morning! Back at the computer after a brief trip to visit family.

Team QB with sister who guessed adenine with the 2LL, but I got the spelling correct. LB jujitsu-upwardly. I may have created a new addict.

ab_grp getting him home will be so good for his progress. Hospitals are miserable places. Familiar and comfortable surroundings mean so much to a patient.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

My grandson and I completed the Bee yesterday together; last word innie, which I was sure I had entered before.  Today I am at Beta with the pangram.  Grandson hasn't yet looked at it.

LB: No solution yesterday, but I found one today.  Congratulations on finding one, ciao_yall!  I thought yesterday's was very challenging.  I certainly didn't see jujitsu.

That's good news about your husband, ab_grp.  And that you will not have to make a long drive back for follow-ups.  I'm sure he'll be relieved to get home—and although he's walking around the hospital, if my husband's experience is anything to go by, he'll be walking around a lot more once he's home.  And that will help the healing (rather than sitting all the time, or lying in bed). 

We're heading home from Middle Daughter's house today, and Youngest Daughter will fly home tomorrow.  It's been a great visit. 

Happy puzzling, everyone!


Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday we didn't get team QB. We were  both missing nannied, innie, and I was also missing adenine, weenie.  I had tried weinie because I thought I remembered two spellings.  Close!

No luck on LB again.  Congrats, ciao_yall! I hope you enjoyed your quick family visit.  And I also think being home will be helpful!

Thanks, Langue_doc.  Sounds like the tube is out, and he is being discharged! I am so happy and also nervous to be his caretaker! I don't know if I've mentioned, but we had several fire alarms the other night when I got back after visiting hours, and had sat down with my side little microwaved meal. They all got turned off before I could even leave the room, but it was really annoying and made me wonder if it would be happening in the middle of the night as well!. And now we've got thunder toddler above us Who I hope will check out today.

Congratulations to you and your grandson on the bee yesterday, cathwen! And I hope your trip home goes well and I'm so glad you had such a nice visit. He is definitely walking around so well almost without any assistance at all. I helped him take a shower last night so Hopefully that will be easier without all the tubes that have to be kept dry!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius so far. Made it to QB yesterday with natant.


ab_grp, glad to hear about husband's progress. It sounds as though you'll be home earlier than expected. Hope the fire alarm is behaving, and a safe trip home.

cathwen and ciao_yall, glad that you had good visits and puzzling with family. cathwen, that sounds like too short of a visit with daughter who flew into JFK!

Happy solving!