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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

QBwH for mononym and moony. Today I'm at genius with both pangrams.

No 2fer yesterday. Congratulations to those who got it!

Happy puzzling!


Good afternoon!

Somewhere past genius with pangrams.  Yesterday husband got to QBABH.  I needed help with anatomy, onto, onyx.

I also got the schmofficial baptize-exchange yesterday.

Langue_doc, thanks! The consult was last Tuesday, and the actual ablation procedure was today.  It has been a long day, but it sounds like it went well, so hopefully that has taken care of the arrhythmias.  They can return, though.  We had to be there at 8:30, and he should be discharged around 3:30.  I'm definitely relieved.  Playing around with the electrical goings-on is pretty dangerous, so I stayed until the procedure was done and the doc came out to tell me he was safe.  Then while he was coming out of general anesthesia I ran out to the pharmacy for his post-procedure meds and home quickly to eat lunch.  This hospital doesn't have a cafeteria! Someone could make a killing putting a diner in right by there.  And I'm so glad to hear that the caregivers at your facility were so happy to see you.  Hopefully your pain has taken a hike!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangrams and above genius. Missed befell yesterday--for some strange reason I thought I'd made it to QB, so didn't check on the bee. Oh, well! That's what befalls one if one doesn't remember whether or not the puzzle was completed.

ab_grp, glad to hear that the procedure went well. Hope husband is recovering and the arrhytmias are a thing of the past.

Happy solving!



QBABM last word enfeeble. LB nudge for magpie-everybody.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH for last word, bluebell. Today I'm at genius with four of the five pangrams.

LB: I also needed a hint for magpie-everybody. No 2fer yet today.

Langue_doc, I'm glad to hear that your pain has subsided. Ab_grp, it was good to hear that your husband's procedure went well.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got to genius or a bit past but only with 3 pangrams so far.  Yesterday we actually almost made it to team QB but needed help for lieu.

No luck on LB.  I got stuck on pyramid.  Congrats!

Thanks for the good wishes, Langue_doc and cathwen! Shockingly (ha, I meant that sarcastically, but I guess it's also a bit of a pun), he did not get discharged at 3:20 but rather at around 5.  I got to chat with the recovery RN who is from Cape Cod while we were waiting.  There were echos and EKGs to do that they had not done, and of course it was the echo lady's last day at work, and ... some of the tests showed some possible issues.  The EKG had some aspects that were a little iffy, but they hadn't taken one that morning so the machine was different and the comparison may not have been accurate, and so forth.  On the echo, his ejection rate or some such was lower than it had been previously, but that is unrelated to the ablation.  He has his follow-up in two weeks, so they will address it then.  Not quite the seal of approval we were hoping for, but his arrhythmias have not returned so far, and he feels pretty good if a little sore from the insertion sites.  We are walking around slowly to keep the blood flowing.  We ordered Greek food for dinner, as the anesthesia seemed not to be affecting him stomach-wise.  I'm sure by tomorrow he will be even better. 

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB--try alternative spellings if you're stuck.

Missed the long d-word yesterday.


ab_grp, glad to hear that husband is well enough to enjoy Greek food! Sending good wishes for complete recovery.

Happy solving!



QBwG, last word vivace which I remembered the definition then started fooling with letters. LB breakup-pyscho.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I did not make QB yesterday, even with hints! I missed titivate/d. Today I am at genius with the pangram, only three words to go.

LB: I also had hockeys-subpar. I found a quick 2fer today.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Somewhere past genius with pangram so far.  Yesterday I could not find dedicative and needed husband help for that one.  I don't think I would ever get that one.  We both needed help for deceive(d), vivace.  I thought I had the first two already!

For LB I had psych-housebreak.  Lots of solutions!

Happy solving!



QBwH for weenie which I thought I tried but I guess I overlooked. LB forks-squeamish.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangrams and genius. Not sure if I'm going to find any more words today. Last word was whingeing.

forks/squeamish--found the latter first.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Genius with pangrams today. Yesterday I was down to two words and they suddenly sprang into my head on the way home from an appointment: weenie and weenie. So, QB. Langue_doc, thanks for the hint about alternate spellings!

LB: I also had forks-squeamish. I found a 2fer today also.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got one pangram and am making my way to genius.  Yesterday husband got QBABH, but I needed his help with weenie, wienie, newel, whine, whining.  Congrats on your QBs!

I also had forks-squeamish.

Happy solving!



Genius then fell asleep before achieving QB. Missed 4 anemia, anemic, chime, imminence, inane. LB havoc-reburbish.

Happy solving!